Yeo Jin Goo

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Listening to the wind chimes sing while laying down on a long swinging chair that's hanging from a tree, I'm looking up at the sunny sky as the fluffy clouds pass over me. Because of where I live, it has a great scenery and a nice sunny little forest nearby.

I sadly smile as I look up at the clouds, suddenly reminded of you. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, feeling the cool wind run all over my body, and then I exhale. I miss you...

I look up at the clouds for just a second longer before turning over to my side and seeing my sketch pad next to me. I gently take it into my hands and hold it close.


I jumped and my pencil accidentally crossed through my drawing. Gahhh! No!

I turned around and looked up to see my good friend, Jin Goo, laughing uncontrollably.

"Yah~ You messed up my drawing!" I whined with a sad pouty face.

He stopped laughing, but a sweet smile stayed on his face. "I'm sorry. Can I see what you were drawing?"

My eyes widened and I quickly held my sketchbook to my chest in a tight embrace. "N-no! You can't!"

He laughed and said, "Why~?"


"Let me see!" His hand reached for my sketch pad and before I could even react, it was already in his hands. I tried taking it back but the swinging chair moved and I face planted into the pillow. "Wow, you're getting better at drawing!"

"Give it back!" I clumsily got off the chair and snatched my sketch pad back from him. I closed it and hugged it tightly, turning my back towards him, feeling embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" He asked while playfully poking his head over my shoulder.

"Go away!" I shouted.

His smile faded away and he looked hurt. "I'm sorry..."

I felt bad for making him feel sad, but I stayed there with my back facing him. He took a few steps back and said, "I'll get going now."

I still didn't turn around.

"Oh, and your drawing of me looks really handsome!"

Gahh! I dropped my sketch pad in surprise and turned around to see him with a big smile on his face as he started to run away. H-how did he know??

I watched him as he hopped onto his bike, waved goodbye with that big stupid smile of his, and rang the bike's bell as he rode away.


It was a rainy afternoon when I heard a knock at my door. My parents were at the store so I was at home all alone. I went downstairs and opened the door to see Jin Goo dripping wet from the rain. I quickly opened the screen door and said, "Why did you come all the way over here in the rain? Without a jacket too!"

Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a tight embrace. "W-what's wrong?" I asked confused. I gently pushed him off, terrified of what his reply was going to be.

He took a deep breath and said, "I'm moving..."

Those two words were enough to bring tears to my eyes. I threw my arms around his neck and tightly hugged him, my tears falling onto his drenched shoulder. "I was joking when I told you to go away! Don't leave me!"

His arms tightened around me as if he never wanted to let go. Sadly, this moment couldn't last forever.


Waking up from my dream, or should I say my memories, was the worst feeling ever. It wasn't even sunny outside anymore, but the wind chimes weren't quiet.

Just then, I felt the sun's rays come out from behind the gray clouds and the warmth of it fell onto my back. I heard a bike bell ringing in the distance, and I quickly sat up and turned around. What I saw brought tears to my eyes.

Song: Sayaka - Yugo Kanno

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