Onew (SHINee)

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(Play music when you see "*")

I was at the mart buying groceries for a barbeque that my friends wanted to have on the rooftop of my house. I left my shopping cart so I could quickly go grab the BBQ sauce I forgot. Quickly turning into the next aisle, I accidentally ran into someone and my forehead collided with their chest. I rubbed my forehead from the impact and quickly said, "I'm so sorry!"

"Oh! ____?" The person said.

As soon as I looked up to see who it was, my face grew extremely hot and my eyes grew wide. "Lee Jin Ki??" My heart went into overdrive and I didn't know what to say.

He chuckled and said, "You still remember my real name? That makes me happy haha." 

What are you doing here?  

The words didn't come out of my mouth but he said, "I was just gonna grab some snacks for a party I'm going to later. It's funny running into you here of all places! I haven't seen you in a long time. You... aha nevermind. Well, I guess I'll see you around!" He waved goodbye and smiled perfectly as he walked away, leaving me there still in surprise. 

*Play Music Here*

When he was out of sight, I felt like I could finally breathe again. I weakly waved goodbye even though he was already gone and I sighed. "Have you been well? I should've said that..." I dropped my hand down to my heart and it was still beating crazily.

 "Aish, what's wrong with me?" I slapped my hand over my heart and said louder, "What's wrong with you! Stop it!"


Later during the barbeque, my friend Sunah sat directly next to me, snapping me out of my daze, and she said, "What's wrong? You've been like this ever since you came back from the store~"

I shook my head and assured her, "It's nothing! Is the meat ready yet? I'm hungry~"

"It's almost ready!" Jung Won said as he smiled over at me. I quickly smiled back and turned my attention to Sunah again.

"Yah~" Sunah nudged me with her elbow and quietly spoke only for me to hear, "How long are you going to stay clueless?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jun Won likes you, you idiot!" 

"Stop joking!" 

"I'm serious!"

Before I could even say something back to her, Ki Bum came back up to the rooftop and said, "Look who I brought!" 

As soon as looked towards Ki Bum, I saw Onew, or should I say Lee Jin Ki. I automatically stood up and fidgeted around with my fingers. My head was spinning. What's he doing here?

Ki Bum pulled Jin Ki over to me and Sunah and said, "Surprise ____!"

Jin Ki smiled and said, "I guess the party I was going to tonight was yours." All I was able to do was nod my head, still in disbelief that he was here. He cracked another smile and said, "I brought snacks. Oh, these are your favorite!"

He pulled out a bag and handed them to me. I took the bag into my hands as a slight smile found its way onto my lips. He remembered... 

"Who's this?" Jung Won asked as he walked over to all of us. 

"T-this is my fr-" I started to say before I was cut off by Ki Bum. 

"Her boyfriend!" He said ecstatically. 

"WHAT?" Sunah and Jung Won both shouted. 

"Well, what I meant was, they used to date. But I'm pretty sure they still- mphh hmmphh!" 

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