Zhou Zhennan

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I'm finally going to college after taking a year off to travel and find what I want to do. Even though I'm entering college a year later as a freshman, I'm still going to work hard. I'm not going to get distracted! Well, at least that's what I thought until I met him. 

Every time I went into the library to study, he'd come in about 10 minutes later and sit at the next table across from me while facing me. I glanced up once, and one time was all it took for me to fall head over heels for him. But not having the confidence to approach him, I continued to let the days pass by. 

Then one day, someone came in and sat where he usually sat at. When he saw, he walked over to my table and sat right in front of me instead. My heart was beating so fast, I was so nervous! He looked at me and I quickly looked down at my laptop and began typing nonsense. My heart was going to explode! 

I tried to convince myself to stay in the library longer since my next class didn't start until 3 hours later, but my heart couldn't handle it any longer. I quickly started throwing everything into my backpack and walked out of the library. 

When I got outside, I searched in my backpack for my phone to look at the time, but couldn't find it anywhere. Then I realized that I left it charging at the end of the table and forgot to pick it up. I tightly shut my eyes and exhale in frustration as I run my hand through my hair. 

Dragging my feet back to the library's entrance, I reach for the door, but the door opens before I even touch the handle. Almost running into the person, I apologize and look up to see that it was the guy I was running away from. 

He cutely smiled, giving me a heart attack, and handed me my phone and charger. "You forgot this."

"T-thank you... I was just about to go back and get it aha..." I laugh awkwardly. 

"Good thing I ran into you. My name's Zhou Zhenna by the way." He extended his hand for me to shake and I shyly grabbed it. 

"I'm ____. Thank you again."

I bowed my head and turned to walk away, but he called out to me and said, "Is it okay if I get your number?" I turned back around to face him and he continued, "If that's too weird, I'm okay with social media as well..." 

I suppressed a laugh and smiled instead as I searched through my backpack for a post-it note and a pen. I wrote my number and handed him the note. "See you around." 

As I walked off, I got a text from an unknown number that said, "I know we just met, but I'd like to get to know you better. Wanna go out for some coffee or tea sometime? Your choice." 

I turned around to look towards the library and saw him by the steps, smiling with a hint of pink on his cheeks. I texted back "I'd like that."

Requested by @PrincePinky_

Song: Zhou Zhennan - It's been Two Years

"And that, kids, is how I met your father."  😂

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