Chanyeol (EXO)

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On a cold winter's afternoon, you're in a coffee shop waiting for your best friend Chanyeol so you two can work on your class project together. As you glance around the place, you see Chanyeol walk in and decide to take an off-guard photo of him. "Chanyeol oppa!" 

He looks up towards you and you take the picture. He breaks into a smile and rushes over, sitting across from you. "Did you take a picture of me? Show me!" You glance at it and start cracking up. "Why? What's wrong? Do I look weird?"

You and Chanyeol have been friends for 5 years. During the first year when you two first met, he confessed his feelings to you, but you just wanted to be friends. Ever since that, things somehow worked out and it was never awkward or anything between the two of you. 

"Okay okay, I'll show you!" You turn your phone towards him to show him the picture: 

His eyes go wide and he tries reaching for your phone, but you lean back into your chair and look at the photo again

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His eyes go wide and he tries reaching for your phone, but you lean back into your chair and look at the photo again. "Why do you look like you're sick? Was it that cold outside? Your nose looks like Ruldof!" You're dying with laughter, but he's in a state of panic. 

"Don't you dare post that picture! Delete it!"

"I won't post it! I promise! I'll just show it to all of our friends!"


"I'm kidding!"

Suddenly, you grow quiet as you feel a bunch of eyes on you. You both look around to see other customers looking your way and nervously laugh as you both bow your heads in apology for being too loud. Then you turn to each other and silently laugh. 


As Chanyeol's talking about some ideas for the project, you catch yourself looking at him for far too long. It's respectful to look into someone's eyes while they're talking, but...what's this feeling? 

Chanyeol looks at you and he says, "_____? Did you hear what I just said?"

You snap out of it and reply in a panic, "Huh?"

He chuckles and hangs his head down as he whines, "I'm tired too but we have to have at least a rough draft of the storyline before we can work on the details! It's only..." he looks at his watch and his eyes go wide, "It's already 8 o'clock??" 

You take this chance and say, "8 o'clock? I'm late!" You start throwing everything into your backpack. "Sorry, I have something I need to do! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Huh? Wait-" But before he could say anything else, you were already up and out the door. 

As soon as you were far away enough from the cafe, you place your hand on your heart and take a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. "Oh my gosh, this better not be what I think it is..."


During the next few days...or maybe the whole week... you've been doing your best to casually ignore and avoid Chanyeol. Whenever he called, you watched your phone until it stopped ringing. When he texted, you didn't reply until about an hour later with an excuse. When you two hung out, you wouldn't even look at him and the time spent together shortened. 

After class, you quickly put your things away so you can rush out. Chanyeol, who's sitting next to you, holds your wrist before you could get up and he asks, "Are you okay? You've been really busy lately." He lowers his voice and leans in closer to you, "Did you get involved with gangsters or something?"

"N-no! Absolutely not! What kind of person do you think I am?" You said with a laugh. 

"But on a serious note, did I do something wrong?"

"No! You didn't do anything wrong!" He looked at you with wide eyes and you smile apologetically. "Sorry, I just... I think something's wrong with me." 

You look around and watch as the classroom empties out before you begin talking to Chanyeol again. You take a deep breath but hesitate to speak so Chanyeol says something first, " You can tell me anything. I'll be here for you no matter what." 

You look down at your hands nervously and finally say, "I think I like you...."

He didn't answer or say anything back so you slowly looked up to peek at him to see his jaw slightly dropped. "S-say something, I'm already freaking out. I don't know why I'm feeling like this and-"

"So you're saying... that you like me...?" You nod your head and he mumbles something too low for you to hear. 


"I like you too, silly." 

"What do you mean??"

He scratches his head and says, "I don't know exactly when this happened, but maybe a couple of months ago...? I thought we were doing just fine as friends, but then one day I caught myself just staring at you." He quickly adds, "Not in a creepy way! My mind just went blank and then you were looking at me as you were speaking, but I couldn't hear a single word you were saying. So ever since that, all I did was wait..."

We sat in awkward silence until I said, "S-should we date?"

"What?" He said with a surprised laugh. 

You quickly cover your face with your hands and say, "Sorry! I don't know what to do in this situation! My mind's all over the place!"

You hear him chuckle and when you look up at him, his face is near you and he softly plants a kiss on your forehead. "We don't have to rush into anything. I'll always be here for you so take your time and think about it. I'll wait." 

Requested by @Angeetensin

Song: EXO - Wait 

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