Kim Woo Bin

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After the graduation ceremony, I rushed out of the building to try and find Kim Woo Bin but then realized that it was raining outside and rushed right back inside. I brushed the rain droplets off of my cap and gown then heard footsteps ahead of me, so I looked up to see Kim Woo Bin standing there looking at me with a soft smile. 

"There you are!" I rushed over to him and stood in front of him happily. "I wanted to talk to you, but we had assigned seatings for the ceremony..."

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked with hopeful looking eyes. 

I took a deep breath, but right before I could even say anything, the doors of the auditorium opened and people started coming out. I grew flustered and bit my lip as I started feeling flustered. 

Just then, Woo Bin grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go talk somewhere else." 

I was surprised and my heart fluttered when he grabbed my hand, but I nodded my head and followed him to a spot that had fewer people around. 

"____," he said. "I'm not going to a university."

I felt my heart drop a little in my chest. We planned to go to college together. "What? Why all of a sudden?"

"I was cast by a company to be an actor. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I just didn't know how to. You know how I always wanted to become an actor. This will really help me get there quicker and I won't have to spend much money on books and classes." He sounded so happy but then I was frozen in my thoughts. He must've noticed because he nudged my shoulder and said, "You're my best friend so you're the first person I told! Aren't you happy for me?"

I forced a smile and happily said, "Of course I'm happy for you! I was just... surprised..." 

Just then his phone rang and he said, "Oh, sorry, I have to take this. I'll talk to you in a bit." 

Woo Bin walked away and I was left with my jumbled up thoughts. I knew he was going to be super busy since he was planning on becoming an actor, especially since he was just cast to become one! What do I do? Will I be a burden to him if I confess? Does he even like me? He called me best friend earlier... Is that all I'll ever be to him? 

I shook my head and made up my mind. I have to tell him, this is my only chance!

I quickly went in the direction he left and searched for him. I wanted to quickly tell him before it was too late and before my confidence went away. 

As I turned the corner, I stopped when I saw Woo Bin and another girl laughing together. They looked really happy together and I felt my heart sink. Then the girl suddenly hugged him so I quickly turned and walked away because I didn't know if my heart would be able to handle whatever might come next. 


After that day, we were still friends and I saw him a few times, but that was it. He grew busy with practice, auditions, and drama shootings. I grew busy with assignments, studying, and work. Even though I was busy, I have tried multiple times to hang out with him but I guess you can say he forgot all about me. Then we lost contact after a year or two... Sometimes I still think about the chance I had and lost to confess to him. 

It's been about 8 years since we graduated and I'm now working at my own very successful vet clinic. I sigh as the memory runs through my head, but quickly shake it away as I hear the front door open. It was raining outside so the customer was trying to close his umbrella that was covering his face. "Welcom-" but as soon as he closed his umbrella, the cat got my tongue. Almost literally. 

Pele, a cat we're nursing, somehow got onto the counter and then jumped onto me. I held her small body with my hands and Woo Bin said, "Oh! ____! It's been awhile. Do you work here?"

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