Park Hae Jin

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You're walking home late at night after getting off from your part-time job. It's always a bit scary walking alone, but today felt different and you were more paranoid than usual. You start to feel relieved when you are finally just a block away from your apartment, but then a cat jumps out in front of you while breaking a pot in the process, scaring the bejesus out of you. "Aishhh.... that scared me..."

You turn to look at the cat who ran behind the dumpster, but instead, you see someone's legs laying on the floor. You take a couple of steps closer to check it out, but then stop yourself. "Am I really going to check what it is?" You take a few steps closer while clutching the strap of your purse.

As soon as you look around the dumpster, you see a man who is badly injured, probably dead because you see that he's bleeding badly from his head and abdomen. The image was so shocking, you almost screamed and then quickly turned to run away, but then you hear his quiet and faint groan. "H-he's alive...?"

You quickly turn back and debate whether or not to get closer to him. "Aish... I have to help him..."

Without any further thinking, you quickly take off your hoodie and lean down to put it on him to cover up his visible wounds. Then you wrap his arm around your shoulder as you do your best to get him up and to your apartment.


Getting inside your apartment, you quickly lay him down on your couch and run into the kitchen to grab all the supplies you need to clean his wounds.

When you get back to him, you take your scissors and cut open his shirt to see a deep wound in his stomach, most likely from a knife. "How the hell am I supposed to do this?"

Without any idea on how to help the stranger out, you pull out your phone and quickly start googling.


The next morning after staying up all night trying to patch him up, you wake up and find yourself sitting on the floor with your head leaning over the coffee table. You quickly sit up and look behind you to see if everything was real and if the man was still laying there. He was... and he was really handsome.

A sigh escapes your lips as you say, "What the hell did I get myself into?"


It's been about a week ever since the incident and he still hasn't woken up. You only leave him when you need to get to your part-time job and then you come home right away to take care of him.

As soon as you finish changing his bandages, you sigh and look up at his face to suddenly see his eyes slightly opened and looking at you. Your eyes widen and you quickly start rambling off, "Are you awake? How are you feeling? Do you want some water? Uhh umm... I don't know what happened to you, but umm I did my best to clean up your wounds. Umm... should I call the police? I didn't know what to do, but I felt like I shouldn't call the police, but since you're awake-"

"No... don't call the police..." his voice was hoarse and then he suddenly started coughing.

"I-I'll get you some water!" You quickly run into the kitchen and bring back a glass of water. Then you slowly help him sit up just enough so that he could drink the water.

When you put him back down, he tiredly looked at you and asked, "How many days has it been?"

"As of today, it's been 8 days... right now it's 10:48 PM."

His eyes widened in panic and he said, "I have to go."

He tried to get up but I held him down before he could and said, "Where do you think you're going? Your wounds are still healing! You don't even have the energy to drink water by yourself!"

"I have to leave before they find out where I am. You need to stay away from me."

"How are you going to leave and survive out there in your current condition? I don't know what your situation is but you'll be safe here. I don't have many friends and no one visits me at my house."

"You don't understand. Once they know that I'm not dead and disappeared, they'll keep searching for me no matter what. I have to-"

"Stop being stubborn and at least stay until you start feeling like a normal and healthy enough human being again! Deep stab wounds require a much longer time for your body to heal from the trauma. Do you know how much I had to do to not let your wounds get infected? I had to take care of your fever too that was almost over 102 degrees! And you just expect me to let you out of here and worsen your condition? No!" After going off at him, you cross your arms and look away in annoyance.

Just then, you hear him chuckling and turn back to look at him. He's looking up at the ceiling as he exhales and says, "What great luck I have running into a doctor..."

"I'm not a doctor though..." He turns to look at you with a confused expression and you continue, "I just searched online for what to do..."

He scoffs in disbelief and a weak smile spreads across his face. "Anyways, since you're so stubborn, I'll stay for awhile."

"You better! You're not going anywhere like that!"

He simply closes his eyes and nods his head. You assume the conversation's over so you get up to go into your room but then he suddenly says, "My names Hae Jin. Park Hae Jin."

A small smile spreads across your face and you reply, "Nice to meet you Mr. Dangerous. I'm ___."


Early in the morning, you wake up when you hear shuffling outside of your bedroom door. You check your phone for the time and it was 4 AM. You figured it was just him trying to get water, so you tried going back to sleep, but then you heard your front door open and close. He's leaving! You quickly shoot out of bed and grab your hoodie as you run out of your apartment. You run down the stairs and see him walking away in a crouched position. He's in pain. 

"Hae Jin!"

As soon as you call out his name, someone forcefully muffled you from behind and started pulling you away against your will. You saw Hae Jin turn around as his eyes grew wide. He tried running after you but you were already knocked out and thrown into the car.

With all of his energy, Hae Jin tried running after the van, but the pain was excruciating. He had to stop. Before the van got any further, someone threw a bottle out of the car window with a note inside of it. The bottle shattered into pieces as it hit the floor and Hae Jin walked towards it to pick it up. 

Since you're lucky, we'll let you live this time. But if you want to save her, bring back the money and data you hid. Boss will be waiting.

To Be Continued...

Requested by J2E5S1S0

Song: No Tears For The Dead OST - The Killer 

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