Sung Joon

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Hand in hand, Sung Joon and I were walking together under the stars at the Han River Park. We've been together all day today, laughing and talking, but right now, and for the past couple of hours, hardly any words were spoken. 

It was a bit chilly and I was starting to shiver, so I let go of his hand and crossed my arms to warm myself up. He looked at me with a small smile on his face and asked, "Are you cold?"

In a quiet voice, I said, "A little..."

He took off his coat and handed it to me. I hesitantly reached for it and put it over my shoulders. Then he held his hand out and I gently placed mine in his as we continued walking.

Something was different... something was missing...? Little by little... it started to feel this way. Was it only me? Or was our relationship pulling further apart? 

Suddenly, Sung Joon stopped walking and so I stopped a bit behind him. He turned around to face me and when I looked directly into his eyes, I knew what was going to happen. 

"____..." My name sounded like a whisper from his lips. "I really like you..." 


"But I think we should take some time apart," After he said that, he couldn't look at me anymore as his somber eyes only looked at the floor. 

It was quiet for a few moments, but then I finally spoke up, "Okay..." 

I wanted to say more, I wanted to ask why and find out where our relationship went wrong. I wanted to know if there was another girl or if there was something about me he didn't like anymore. I wanted to scream and yell at him. I wanted to hold onto him and tell him not to go. But what I really wanted was to tell him that I loved him. And that was my biggest regret...

His grip on my hand became loose as my hand fell out of his and slowly to my side. He glanced at me once more before turning to walk away, but I quickly took off his coat and said, "Take this with you." 

He turned back and looked at the coat in my hands. "You can wear it, it's cold." 

I shook my head and smiled a little as I said, "No, I'm okay. Take it."

Without letting him reply, I grabbed his hand and gave him the jacket. Then I turned around and walked away first since my tears were threatening to fall. 

I didn't dare to turn around and look at him. I didn't want him to see my tears. I just didn't want to cry in front of him like this. 


8 Years later...

After finishing school in the states, I almost instantly got my dream job and transferred to come back and stay in South Korea.

I decided to visit the Han River, the place where I spent most of my time in my high school days. I sat on a bench facing the river and sat there just reminiscing about the past. The one thing that I remembered instantly was my first love, Sung Joon. I sadly smiled as the memories flashed throughout my mind. 

We were young. We didn't know what to do or know how to understand each other. Maybe it was the way we communicated and caused misunderstandings. All I know is that in the moments, we were happy and in love. Well, at least I know I was... 

Before I knew it, the sun was already setting and the sky was now orange and pink. It was that time of the year again where it was getting chilly outside, especially since the sun was almost gone now. 

I crossed my arms to warm myself up and stood up to head to my car, but then someone held out a coat to me and said, "Are you cold?"

His deep voice gave me goosebumps and I froze. I didn't want to look at the man because if it was who I thought it was, I'd probably cry. But it was killing me inside, so I slowly turned my head and glanced at the man standing by my side. Nevertheless, it was Sung Joon. 

We just silently stared at each other. There were thousands of things I could've said at this moment, but the cat caught my tongue. 

Sung Joon tried not to break into a chuckle and said, "So are you cold?"

"Oh um.. a little. But I'm okay-"

He didn't wait for my whole answer and wrapped his coat around my shoulders. In shock and confusion, I just stared at him.

"Welcome back," he said with his hands on my shoulders. 

"How'd you know?"

He hesitantly looked away and stuffed his hands in his pockets before looking back at me and said, "Our friends saw you at an office today and called me. They said you were back and so I came here right away to find you."

I was speechless but I had a bunch of questions I wanted to ask. Before I even could, he said, "It was nice seeing you again. I umm...should get going," he waved goodbye and started to walk away. 

In an instant, I called out to him and said, "Can I ask you a question?"

He turned back around and nodded his head, so I walked to him and took a deep breath before asking, "Why did we break up back then?"

Sung Joon looked down at the ground nervously, trying to figure out how to say what he wanted to say. I patiently waited for his response and didn't stop looking at him. 

He finally said, "I didn't want you to give up going to that university because of me. It was your dream school and you were accepted. You looked so happy, but from a distance, I also saw you so sad and deep in thought. You even told your parents you were going to stay. I just couldn't let you give it up..." 

Once again, I was speechless. Sung Joon simply smiled at me and then walked away. 

But this time, I wasn't going to let him go. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his waist as I came into impact with his back. I held him tightly and said, "There was one thing I've always wanted to tell you, but I lost the chance to." My throat was getting choked up and tears were forming, "Even if you never felt the same way, I wanted to tell you that I love you." 

It was silent for a moment until I felt a warmth come over my hands. Sung Joon took my hands and gently pulled them apart. I looked up at him as he turned around and I felt like he was going to let me go this time.

Instead, he quickly pulled me into his arms and tightly embraced me. I cried into his chest and he said, "I'm so sorry for breaking your heart and leaving you with questions. But I...I did love you too... and I still do." 

We stayed where we were and I held him tightly. Not as if I was going to lose him again but because I loved and missed him so much. He slightly pulled away to look into my eyes. Since he was so tall, I had to look up at him. He smiled and gently held my face as he leaned in for a kiss. A sweet kiss that led us to our next chapter together. 

Requested by @pisscces

Song: Lovewave - 그 밤 (The Night)

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