Chapter 10

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Colby pov
I woke up to being shaken, I opened my eyes to be met by beautiful e/c.  I kissed her and smiled, "hey babe let's do something today!" She laughed at my excitement "ok but what do you want to do?" I shrugged and laughed. She looked like she was thinking about what to do, then I think she got an idea.  "Let's prank the house!" Luckily no one was home besides us, I nodded and she helped me up.  " ok so what do you want to do?" She smirked at me, " ok so we act like we're fighting and you ' push' me down the stairs" I nodded and we hid the cameras and got the blood ready and stuff. We just need to wait now.

---small time skip----
Your pov
" ok guys so everyone just got home let's see how they react!" I nodded at Colby and he got the hint, "why the fuck would you do this!" He screamed at me "cause Colby mane we just aren't working out!" I stormed out of the room and started down the hall "don't you fucking walk out on me!" "I'll walk out if I want to!" He grabbed my arm not too rough but pretty rough "let me go! Corey I'll be back for my stuff in the morning!" "Your not leaving me y/n!" "Well I'm sorry Colby but I have to"  I turned to face him before I walked down the stairs "stop following me! Just go back to your room!" I pushed him pretty hard so that he knew it was time to 'push me' he got it and did it.  Everyone  had walked in earlier and they heard the argument, they walked out of the kitchen or living room in time to see me fly off the stairs and hit the ground. "Oh my god! Y/n!" I heard everyone yell even Colby.  "Colby what the fuck dude!" Corey "Elton grab Colby hold him back." Deyvn "Colby what the hell! Was it worth it!" Kat *sobbing* Sam by now Colby was in a choke hold, and everyone was confused when Colby started to laugh. I laughed with him, "you guys are assholes!" Deyvn we just laughed more. "Awe come on we had to!" We all had a good laugh and get went to get ready for bed. I got dressed in one of Colby's shirts and a pair of really short shorts. Colby walked in a whistled I blushed and tried to hide my face, "awe no baby your cute when you blush. Let's me see that beautiful face." I looked up at him and kissed him, I wrong arms around his neck and his arms around my waist. The kiss got deeper,  I wrapped my legs around his waist, and we landed on the bed. He kissed my jawline to my neck, "hey colb-" we sat up "oh hey Sam" we both said awkwardly. "Umm sorry but I really need to know your opinion on this." He showed Colby but Colby covered my eyes. I guess it's a secret or surprise. "Yeah dude that's great! Thank you so much!" Ok now I'm really confused what's going on?!

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