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You: Hello?
MusicGuy: Who is this?
You: I found your number on the band room floor...
You: And I was curious to find other music geeks like me, so 😛
You: Here I am
MusicGuy: You still didn't answer my question
MusicGuy: if you were in the band room, can't you just talk to people in your class?
You: hahahahahahah
You: First off: I take Music Tech. We spend the entire class w/headphones on so we don't have to speak to eachother
You: Second off: Ever heard of social anxiety? Well, it's a bitch
You: And I'm taking a real jump out into the void here with texting you
You: Which is also why I'm not revealing my identity. Not yet, at least. I don't need to melt into a puddle of embarrassment and regret quite yet
You: You can take any guesses on who I am if you want, though
MusicGuy: is this you, Zach? Trying to play a prank on me?
You: nope
MusicGuy: ...Kadie? Because that's who I gave my number to. If this is you, please just say it so we can get started on our project together
You: Nope again. I have a feeling that you won't be able to guess who I am
MusicGuy: please just tell me? I'm not, like, mean or anything. I won't judge you. But it feels weird texting a random number
You: you can put me as anything you want, I guess.
MusicGuy: At least tell me something about you
You: okay. Hey, here's an idea - how about we both do ten misc. facts about ourselves as a little random guessing game? To get to know eachother a little better
MusicGuy: Or I could just tell you who I am
You: Doesn't really matter either way to me. Whatever you're more comfortable with
MusicGuy: idk. I'll play the game. You go first, though

A Loser With A Cellphone (Alex Standall)Where stories live. Discover now