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Alex: hey
You: it wouldn't be Alex Standall if you weren't texting me during the late hours of night
Alex: it's 9:00
Alex: *you voice* shut up
Alex: I don't think that's really how it works, but okay
You: I make my own rules
You: these are the rules of the secret society: dark means night
Alex: listen with how often you mention it, it's not even a secret anymore
You: it is because only we know
Alex: you sure are a special person
You: ino
You: it's why you love me
You: ❤️❤️❤️
Alex: :)
You: you sure are a special person, too
Alex: thanks :)
Alex: I'd get sappy, but it's too early for that
You: never too early for compliments
You: hmu
Alex: are u ready for this
You: yes
Alex: I think ur the only person who's, like, truly seen me
Alex: and not hated what they saw
Alex: and ur the only person that i don't hate :)
You: honestly together we could be the new Forever 21 planners...picture it...jackets with "FRIES B4 EVERYTHING 🍟 " scrawled on the back, hair clips that look like pizza, a dress with "I hate everyone 🤘🏻" sewed on it...
Alex: brb while I go gag
You: but honestly
You: thank you
You: I do like what I see :) I wish that you did too
You: and when I'm not hiding behind my protective walls of sarcasm, I've also opened up to you the most. So, yeah, thank you
You: hopefully it isn't too ugly down here in my soul
Alex: did you...
Alex: did you just
Alex: did you just USE AN EMOTICON
You: I'm embarrassed now
You: can you unsend a text??
Alex: I can't believe this
Alex: holy shit
Alex: i can die happily now :')
You: okay okay don't be a drama queen dkalal I'm glad it made you happy
Alex: always :) <3
Alex: I love you, lyric
Alex: ...❤️
You: I love you too, Alex
You: ...<3
You: it physically pained me to type that
Alex: love hurts
You: wise words from Mr. Standall
Alex: per usual
You: lmao
Alex: are you suggesting that everything that comes out of my mouth is not pure genuis??
Alex: genius
Alex: I always forget how to spell that word
You: the irony in this situation is leaking out all over the place
Alex: har de har har
You: I wouldn't have it any other way
You: pure genius or not
Alex: look at us, being all nice and shit
You: friend goals
Alex: truly
You: brb gotta get us matching jackets that say that on the back
Alex: friendship goals or not, I will burn it
You: matching friendship necklaces??
Alex: honestly, do I look like a 6 year old girl to you?
You: yes
Alex: I retract the friendship goals statement
You: you're not allowed to do that
You: once its been said it is cemented forever
Alex: you're so freaking STUBBORN
You: you love it
Alex: I will admit to no such thing
You: you 😊 love 😊 it 😊
Alex: that emoji makes me want to gauge my eyes out with a pencil
You: that's an image that I didn't really want in my head
Alex: you know I'm always here for you :))
You: you're becoming so sarcastic
You: I'm not quite sure if I like it
Alex: I learned from the best :)
would anyone be interested if i did a character q&a?

A Loser With A Cellphone (Alex Standall)Where stories live. Discover now