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Alex: Listen
Alex: I'm texting you at 1am with hopes that you won't interrupt with a sarcastic comment
Alex: but I want to try and explain myself
Alex: Fuck.
Alex: the thing is, I find myself wanting to open up to you, but there's things that I can't tell you, and it's really hard not to
Alex: But I don't know what would happen if I did...I don't even know you, or maybe I do, and you're hidden in plain sight, and I don't even know
Alex: I have no real way of knowing if I can trust you
Alex: and it's driving me a little crazy, not knowing who you are, if I'll be honest
Alex: so I'm sorry
Alex: but I don't know what to do

A Loser With A Cellphone (Alex Standall)Where stories live. Discover now