Chapter Two

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Please notify me of any mistakes so that I can fix them!

Image at the top is Vesper - shout out to courtthekitten for helping me pick a look for her!


> Chapter Two <

"I'm too full, but thank you." Mom has been insisting that I try a sugar cookie, but David's homemade pizza has filled my stomach to the absolute brim. She sets the container of cookies in front of me, probably hoping to convince me with the smell of freshly baked cookies.

I grin a bit at her antics. She's such a mom. David chuckles at me, shaking his head slightly.

We're all sitting at the table, having stuffed ourselves with the leftover pizza. Dad came home earlier than usual which meant we didn't wait until almost seven o' clock for supper. Me, Mom and David all ate the pizza for dinner, and the other slices that weren't touched are for supper - which I am not complaining about.

Dad takes the last bite of his crust and pushes the plate towards the middle of the table. I set my own plate on top of his and lean back in my chair, sighing contently. A nap by now would be great, but I know that if I take one now I'll never get to sleep tonight, and being up late is the last thing I want to do on a school night.

"So, how's that project going, Blaine?" My father begins the usual conversation, and I allow myself to sit up in my chair to be polite. "The English one."

"Oh, that one," I bite my lip. Our ELA teacher wanted us to write a whole page about why we won't let ourselves fall in love. He said that if you were already in a relationship, you'd write about why you're scared to find out that a) they're cheating or b) they're breaking up with you. My reason for not letting myself fall in love is because I'm secretly a lesbian; and even though my teacher knows I'm dating Travis, I wanted to write about that. However, I got stuck writing the second option and had to make up cliche things about why I wouldn't want to break up. "It's going pretty good, I guess."

"Does Travis have to write the same one?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No, he has a different teacher." I then remember that I was going to call my best friend, Vesper, so we could discuss our other project. This time it's for Social Studies class. "May I be excused, dad? Me and Vesper have a project we have to talk about."

"Sure." Dad nods and reaches for his glass of water, taking a sip as I stand up and leave the table. I walk to the stairs and head up to my room quietly, shutting the bedroom door behind me.

My phone is sitting on my desk, right where I left it before going downstairs for supper. I pick it up and find Vesper's contact, hitting the small video-camera icon. The screen becomes my face, along with a turn, mute and end call button. The usual ringing noise begins and I wait patiently for her to answer.

Vesper and I have been best friends since we were just little kids. We met at school and we've become inseparable. She's like my other half.

"Hey dork." I smirk as the screen shifts so that there's a small square in the upper left of my own face, Vesper's familiar facial features now settled on the main, larger portion of the screen. I only call her 'dork' because she hates it. She isn't a nerd, or a geek or a dork; she's the popular girl who's most likely too good for you. "Ready to work on our project?"

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