Chapter Eleven

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Please notify me of any mistakes so that I can fix them!

Also, shout-out to @courtthekitten for introducing me to the term 'wall-flower'. I included it in this chapter, just for you. Lmao, I'm the person who uses things I relate to in my writing. It's just easier, y'know?

the next chapter will be in Maya's perspective, and I'm PUMPED.



> Chapter Eleven <

Vesper snores.

For the record, you didn't hear it from me. If she asks, one of her siblings told you. Don't give a specific sibling; I'd hate to see them get beaten by a girl.

I roll over and glance at my phone. It's ten thirty-six in the morning, and dim light is peering through my curtains, which weren't fully closed when we fell asleep.

My laptop is settled at the foot of the bed, still open. It either died or went into sleep mode through the night, because neither me or Vesper shut it off. We were watching one of our favourite movies, Mean Girls, when we fell asleep. I remember dozing off a little over halfway through.

I reach for my laptop, finding out that it did in fact die. I reach for the cord, plugged into the outlet beside my bed, and plug it into the laptop. I close it and let it sit beside my bed, then sit up as I feel a sudden weight crushing my feet.

"Hey, Clay." I smile as the giant dog jumps onto my legs, curling himself over my belly. "What's mum doing?" I coo at him, whispering softly as I play with his ears and bury my fingers in the thick fur of his neck. He pushes his damp, cold nose into my chin and I bite my lip in order to hold back a laugh. "Aye, stop that."

"Listen here, lovebirds," I turn to see Vesper staring at me with one brow lifted. "The sleeping, single girl doesn't want to listen to that."

"You turn down at least two boys a day!" I can't hold back my laughter, and it doesn't help that Clay is licking and poking his nose at my face.

"Yeah, well, it isn't easy being me." She lifts her nose to the air, smirking as she rolls to face me. Clay nuzzles his way through the blankets and lays himself over both of us with his head on Vesper's thigh and his entire rear end on my legs. His middle rests in the centre of us.

Vesper and I share a moment of chuckles at the dog sprawled over us. I shut my eyes, awaiting another moment of dozing before I fully rouse. Vesper is silent as she pets Clay's shoulders and scratches his ears.

Now would be a perfect moment to tell Vesper that I like Maya and not Travis, but... we're going shopping. We'll be together all day... that's going to be one heck of an awkward experience.

I nuzzle myself deeper into the warmth of my bed, contented by Clay and the blankets overtop of my body. Vesper's breathing keeps the silence between us from being too invasive.

It would work fine. All would be okay. We'd be the same, excellent pair of friends. Nothing would change.

But as much as I repeat those words, none are effective. You know those funny social media posts about the difference between expectations and reality? Yeah. There's a fine line between the two of them and I often tend to forget about it.

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