Chapter Twenty

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> Chapter Twenty <

Travis is going to be so hurt. Vesper's going to be peeved.

"Maya, I--I can't do this..." I breathe. Maya doesn't respond for a moment, just curls her legs in as she lowers herself to sit on the vacant pavement.

I stare at her in question, but I'm too freaked out to say anything. She reaches to the space beside her and pats the pavement with her palm, lifting her eyes to see me, standing over her.

Following her instruction, I sit down beside her. I hug my legs to my chest, pushing my forehead against my knees and allowing my eyes to close tightly. I shake my head.


"I am." My patience becomes thin. Maya silences herself as if she notices that, her eyes still rested on me. "I thought we had to get going." I snap.

Maya shrugs. "It only gets light around seven thirty," I feel her shivering beside me. The sweatshirt can't be as warm as it looks. "We have about two and a half hours. I mean, it would be nice to get going, but... you're not okay, obviously."

"I'm fine." I groan, rolling my head back and staring up at the sky. The stars are gone and the moon is lowering at a steady pace. "Just..."

"No, I know." She cuts me off. "I went through the same thing with that guy."

"That guy? Travis?"

"No," she shakes her head. "Greg. You remember, right?"

I nod. I do remember her telling me that she'd done the same thing with a guy. His name was Greg.

I remember that.

The day Travis decided to touch my butt. Yeah... that was when I came out to Maya. When she drove me home. When I broke down and called her from my bathroom floor, sobbing and a total mess.

Travis hadn't hurt me. He'd crossed a line. A line that he didn't know was there. It was a personal thing, and you keep personal things to yourself.

"Why don't you just break up with him?" Maya asks. "It isn't that hard."

I inhale sharply, scoffing and turning my head to glare at her, feeling slightly offended. "Yeah, says you!"

"What about me?" She glances at me up and down, her brows furrowing. I huff and scowl at her.

"You're not in the darned closet!" I snap. She stares at me for a moment before abruptly rising to her feet. Before I can say anything else, she's stalking towards the town lights.

I grumble under my breath, cursing a few times as I stand and follow her. I don't know why, but I do.

We walk in silence for almost ten minutes before I can't take it anymore.

"Maya." I say, stopping in my tracks and looking up at her. She keeps walking, tilting her chin upwards to acknowledge my voice. "Why do you think it's easy to just, you know, break up and come out?"

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