Chapter Ten

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> Chapter Ten <

If there's anything as boring or as exhausting as waiting for Christmas break to arrive, please inform me.

On the very first night of every break, me and Vesper have a sleepover to celebrate and enjoy each other, as well as to enjoy the fact that studying, homework and essays are totally forgotten for a span of two weeks. Our school dance is still there, however, because my school pulls the dance-on-the-fourth-day-of-break thing, which, mind you- no other school pulls.

Hence that ritual, here we are: Vesper lays beside me, sprawled over my bed with her left arm over her eyes. She groans and dramatically throws her other arm into the air.

"You know what?" She asks. I look up from the book I'm currently reading, lifting a single brow with interest.

"What?" I watch as she sits up, her hands on either side on her thighs as she looks at me.

"School sucks," she nods her head as if she's only just decided on this choice of words. "Waiting for dances to come also sucks."

I'm really not looking forward to the school's winter dance. It's just... not something I want to attend. But I need to, because, y'know, Travis. Then again, Maya. I know she's going, because I watched her buy a ticket. I can't wait to see what her dress looks like, though. Maybe I could sneak in a dance..?

My thoughts, hopes and dreams sliver away as Vesper huffs, shaking her head slowly. "Yeah," I half-heartedly agree, "it's no fun." She chuckles at me, then lays back down. "Anyway..." I trail off and look back to my book.

Hands down; John Green is one of the absolute best authors out there.

It's not hard to tell that I've already read The Fault in Our Stars. I've also read Paper Towns. I'm currently reading An Abundance of Katherine's; which is so good, I can't even explain it.

Vesper's hand slams itself against the spine of the book, sending the words flashing up into my face with a black and white blur. I gasp, my eyes widening as I feel the book slip out of my grasp and drop onto the floor. "Ah-! Vesper!" I drawl, looking up and sending her a bothered look. "Screw you!" I exclaim. She giggles madly, rolling onto her belly beside me.

"Gotcha!" She slurs her voice in her usual, joking-Vesper way. I burst into laughter at this as she flails her arms and legs about. "Hahaaaa! Gotchaaa!" I laugh harder, forgetting about my book. I suddenly fling myself forward, my fingers wriggling themselves about Vesper's belly, just below her ribs where she's ticklish. She squeals, her face turning red as she wiggles against me. I swing one leg over her hips and pin her against my bed, tickling more furiously. "No!" She cries. "No no no! No! I give up! I give in!" Vesper wails, thrashing around in my grasp.

I watch her go limp as I release her, lazily sprawling onto my back next to her. She chuckles, breathing heavily and turning onto her back as well.

"So," I breathe, staring at the ceiling. "Got yourself a date?"

"To what?" She asks, her eyes narrowing as she looks at me. I laugh harder. Nights like this are insane, but they're always fun.

"The dance, you idiot." I lightly slap her shoulder and she pretends to be hurt, grabbing the spot my fist hit her and pouting at me.

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