Chapter Twenty-Two

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> Chapter Twenty-Two <

Vesper: i can't believe you'd ditch me like this.

Blaine: someone needed me

Vesper: who?!

Vesper: who is more important than a night out with your friends.

Blaine: okay, first off, the dance isn't a special thing. they're going to have plenty more.

Blaine: and secondly, you don't even know the problem. heck, i don't, so please just stop being a drama queen.

The moment I send the text, guilt bubbles it's way into my stomach. Having not eaten anything this morning, the guilt is forced to be alone with the other emotions.

Maya seems to sense my sudden change in how I'm standing: my shoulders hunch and my head lowers to eye my phone as I anxiously walk forward and to the side a little. Maybe she thinks I'm fidgeting, but in reality I'm just hoping I'll loose signal and it'll work as an excuse to stop talking to Vesper.

"You okay there, Blaine?" She asks, her grey eyes sending me a worried glance. I shake my head, sigh and shrug all at once.

"I... I don't know; Vesper's mad at me." I explain. My eyes close and I welcome the darkness the action brings. "And I may have just told her to stop being a drama queen..."

Maya snorts in amusement, laughter flinging itself out of her mouth. I glare at her, taking a moment to realize the pink tinge to her cheeks and the slightest hue of blue to her lips. I imagine I look the same.

Standing outside of a Walmart, waiting for a taxi to come by... not my idea of warmth or fun.

"Wow," she giggles, shaking her head and then running a hand through her pixie cut. "That's hilarious. What's she mad at you for?"

I open my mouth and close it again, wondering if I should tell her. "Umm..." I hesitate. "She just kind of said that she was upset--"

"Upset? Jesus," she shakes her head again, somewhat slower this time. Astonishment and amusement interlock in her eyes. "Over what?"

I take this as excitement. The interrupting and the laughter. Or maybe it's her way of coping with nervousness?

Is Maya anxious to go on this... trip? Whatever she calls it?

"You know what?" She tilts her head and smirks at me. I lift my chin in acknowledgement, one brow raising. She turns and starts walking towards the automatic doors of the large Walmart. "Lets go inside while we wait. We can get some food and you can finish explaining this situation."

She doesn't leave a choice for me as she walks into the store, so I'm left following her.

"Yeah, okay." I agree half-heartedly, making it to her side and following along. "So, yeah, she's upset because she doesn't understand who or what is more important than a night out - her words, not mine - with friends."

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