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hi, readers.

so, if you've made it this far into Gaydar, i'm not sure what to say. i am kind of sorry that now you have to wait to catch up once again, but i'm more than sorry you had to read this.
i'm choosing to rewrite Gaydar because when i read it and look at the older chapters, i hate every bit of it. it's just odd to me and i dislike it.

Gaydar will stay published here, both for memories and for me to look back for information i need or certain parts i do in fact want to keep in.

Gaydar, to me, needs to be well written. it needs to be told beautifully. but i see a mess when i look at its earlier chapters. and that upsets me. so i'm rewriting it.

i'm excited to see where it takes me, and how the new and improved Gaydar looks. the plot will be the same but names/details might change. there will definitely be more organization. i would literally forget ages, siblings, and...just, really important things.

if you've made it this far, thank you. i hope you decide to read the new version of Gaydar. :)

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