Chapter Twenty-Five

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> Chapter Twenty-Five <

When a rebellious person smiles, it's one of the cutest things in the world. Maybe even in the universe. Maya's smile is one of the best, and cutest, smiles in the universe.

She turns back and starts wandering further up towards the checkout, the line slowly shrinking down as she proceeds forward.

I watch her, my eyes seemingly glued to her figure. She's just so beautiful. Is that a bad thing? For me to think that, I mean. Like, yes, I think Vesper is beautiful, but I wouldn't date her. And I'm not saying that because I know she's straight or because she's my best friend.

I stop thinking about that and turn around, met with another girl's body not even inches away. Instead of maneuvering, we slam against each other.

The girl, who was looking at her phone while her head shook in a distracted manner, suddenly gasps as her phone slips from her hands and onto the floor.

Shocked, we both freeze. I step back and watch as she blinks, her mouth forming a small "o" and her eyes the size of a dinner plate. She hasn't attempted to pick up her phone yet, so I bend down and reach for it. I pick it up, but before I can even stand up she snatches it from my hands, her entire body shaking violently.

"Whoa, hey - I was going to give it back..." I trail, looking at her. Is she insane or something?

The girl shakes her head and clutches her phone, not even bothering to turn it off as she looks up at me. "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." She says shakily, her eyes wider.

I examine her for a moment. She has short black hair and her eyes are a piercing shade of green. Not to mention, she's tearing up, and judging by her ruined makeup, she's been crying before.

"It's okay," I tell her. "Is everything o--"

"No, no..." she cuts me off, her eyes avoiding mine. "My boyfriend is... he wants to break up..." she stares at her phone screen, her bottom lip quaking. "I can't believe..."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I gulp, anxious now. What do I tell her? We're strangers and I don't know who's the one in the wrong. Maybe he has a good reason to be breaking up with her. Maybe she's a female dog.

"I just don't understand... he says he doesn't trust me." Now she's rambling, her words flopping against the air between us. I glance behind me for a second to find Maya. She's paying now. Shoot.

"What makes him say that?" I ask, not out of curiosity, but out of concern. Whatever I can do to help, I guess.

She shakes her head again, as if struggling not to contain the thoughts of her boyfriend. "He says I'm too close to my best friend... he doesn't like us..."

"Why not? Best friends are there for a reason." She nods.

"I know, right..?" Her eyes meet mine for a split second before she shakes her head and I watch a tear slide down her face. "But he thinks she and I are... y'know..." I shake my head to let her know I'm clueless. "Dating." She whispers.

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