Chapter Eight

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Shoutout to lunapaw0802 ! She votes on literally every Gaydar chapter and I'm very glad she enjoys my writing ^^ I love yaaaa~

> Outfits <
( keep in mind Blaine's eye colour isn't the same as the one in this picture; it's just the makeup you have to pay attention to )

> Outfits <( keep in mind Blaine's eye colour isn't the same as the one in this picture; it's just the makeup you have to pay attention to )

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> Chapter Eight ;  <

I, Blaine Jensen, have a crush on Maya Todd.

I don't even know how it happened. I don't know why it happened. There's not a single word that can describe what's going on in my head.

I imagine things. I daydream of her and I think about me hugging her. The two of us curled up on a couch together just dozing off, both smiling lightly.

Maybe it's just that she's beautiful, or that I love her haircut. Or maybe it's her eyes. That smirk. Her voice. God only knows what I love about her- maybe it's everything.

And love is scary. It's like walking into a minefield not knowing where you can and can't step. If you go to one place something will blow up and it could be minor or it could be major. Whichever it is only increases risks and fears. The first problem, however, is not trusting the ground you're standing on. Relationships rely on trust. There's no if, and's or but's about it.

I haven't ever loved a girl. I've only pretended to love Travis. Love is overwhelming. It's like wanting to give that person everything you have to offer and hardly being afraid. Of course there is fear, but it creeps in without warning and you don't like feeling that way but nothing stops it.

I think all this in my head as I stare at the thousands of texts Travis sent me. They're all explaining how sorry he is and how he doesn't understand. Not one of them mentions that he's afraid I've found someone else.

But what he doesn't know is that he is the someone else. Maya is someone, he just doesn't know. He'll never understand that.

Travis: i don't understand why you're freaking out, Blaine. i thought you were ok with that

I worked up the strength and responded with slightly shaking hands.

Blaine: clearly i wasn't.

Travis: well how was i supposed to know?!

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