Chapter Twenty-One

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> Chapter Twenty-One <

If there's anything I've learned about travelling, it's that being on a bus is one of the most disgusting things to do.

Me and Maya are standing up, each of us holding onto the handles dangling from the ceiling. Every now and then we hit a bump or make a turn and whenever that happens we end up stumbling away from each other. Well, okay; I stumble away from Maya.

I'm not used to being on a bus, so cut me some slack, alright? Thanks.

The disgusting part? The people. There's so many types of people...

High school dropouts, people in a rush, people pushing other people out of the way. Mothers shushing whining children. Coffee-fuelled people trying to wake up.

My phone is in my jacket pocket, vibrating angrily every few minutes. I try ignoring it. By now it's about seven thirty, which is early, but I know that Travis is one of those people that has, like, an inner alarm clock. When he gets used to waking up at a certain time, he won't snap out of that schedule for quite a while.

"Who's texting you?" Maya asks me as we make a sharp turn. This sends me leaning one way, staggering backwards. "They sound pretty... what's the word..?  Clingy?"

I force a dry laugh, bringing myself to stand at her side. This time, however, I put my shoulder against hers. She doesn't pay the action any mind.

"I think it's Travis," I answer. A tired sigh breaks from me as I reach my hand into my pocket.

"Are you going to answer?" Another question pops from her mouth as she watches me click the phone on. I begin scanning through the messages - which, sure enough, are from Travis - with one brow raised.

"Do I need to?" I dare to answer her question with a question, my eyes darting up from the screen to see her.

She shrugs. "Depends. What do they say?" Curiosity frames her gaze as she stares at me like a cat would, analyzing my every detail, awaiting my next move.

I read them in my head, making sure that none of them say anything I can't share.

Travis: good morning :)

Ten minutes later:

Travis: blaine? hellooooo?

Fifteen minutes later:

Travis: i know i wake early, but usually you wake up when your phone vibrates. everything ok?

Five minute spans begin.

Travis: babygirl?

Travis: please answer me.

Travis: blaine, where are you?

Travis: is everything alright?!

Travis: you're freaking me out. did something happen? did i do something?

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