Chapter Twenty-Four

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> Outfits <
Blaine's Bathing Suit

( they don't go swimming in this chapter, but that's the suit she buys ^^ the necklace is mentioned in another chapter

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( they don't go swimming in this chapter, but that's the suit she buys ^^ the necklace is mentioned in another chapter. )


> Chapter Twenty-Four <

Maya Todd

Blaine stares at me a few more seconds before she clears her throat and looks away, a bubbly smile hidden in her eyes. I try not to let her behaviour get to me, but it does.

She's acting like a... well, an actor.

When you're up on stage, you need to make things dramatic. You need to make sure that everything you say and do is recognized.

As far as I see it, that's exactly what Blaine is up to. She's trying not to go unnoticed, but she's also perfectly aware that the only person watching her little act is me.

I look at the rack of bathing suits. "Pick one. I brought one with me."

"We just got sidetracked," she comments, her head tilting slightly. "Why are we going to a hotel?"

"Wanna stay a night on the streets?"

"Wait, just one night..?" Blaine's eyebrows lift up, surprised. "Why not two? That's the general amount when you stay in a hotel."

"Because that's expensive, and that's not how I do it." She steps back and hesitates before nodding.

"I'm just confused."

"Yeah. Yeah, no, that's okay," I glance away and shrug. I can understand where she's coming from.

I turn away and gesture to the rack of bathing suits, the myriad of colours and sizes and styles nearly making me dizzy. An iced coffee would be nice right now.

Blaine takes the hint and sighs, her eyelids flickering a little in a half blink as she steps forward. "What colour do you think would look good on me?"

I nearly puke at the question.

See, when you're a heterosexual girl just hanging out around the mall with your girly girl friends and you ask that question, it's generally because, well, you wonder. But when you're a homosexual girl out with another homosexual girl and you ask that question, it's usually because of a romantic relationship between the two of you.

Similar to the way a man might ask his girlfriend, "honey, do these underwear look nice?"

Blaine lifts a brow, awaiting an answer. I manage to keep my reaction to her question small, cringing briefly.

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