Chapter Twenty-Nine

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> Chapter Twenty-Nine <

Maya Todd

I never told anyone about my first kiss, mainly to save my dignity, and to keep questions about my sexuality on the low.

To be quite honest, I hardly count that first kiss as my first kiss. Why? It was a guy. Not a girl. Not someone I'd have actually wanted my first kiss with, so therefore definitely not the right person.

And, yes, I initiated the kiss. I made that move. I hadn't have done that if I wasn't called a lesbian about five minutes before I stalked right up to him, standing at his locker, and pushed my lips onto his.

But here and now, a real, genuine first kiss is...quite possible, actually. With Blaine pressed between me and the bathroom wall, I have the upper hand, and I know how easy it would be to kiss her right now.

But why her? And why now, even? Blaine and I have a very...shifty relationship. Nothing is for sure, and while I mostly seem to be aware of whatever move she plans on next, she never suspects the right one from me. At least she doesn't seem to know.

Blaine's shaky breath is warm against my face as I stare down at her, straight into her eyes, somewhat challenging her to say something else. Tell me to get off. Ask for her phone. I stare, and stare, and stare, and yet neither of us move. We hardly blink. Neither one of us speaks.

Why shouldn't I kiss her? I ask myself, studying the way her top lip quivers slightly - and not because she is about to cry- she isn't. She's overwhelmed, clearly. I mean, th-- wait, is she thinking the same thing? I hold back from lifting one brow, which would be a sign of either a bigger challenge or a sign of me giving into whatever she's thinking.

This is when I notice Blaine shift her weight slightly, moving from one leg to the other slowly. My heart starts speeding up, and one single word repeats in my head; no

I step away from her, moving backwards and clearing a space between us. Clearing her throat softly, Blaine shrinks against the wall and stares up at me.

"I don't want you calling people, calls can be tracked. And I don't care who you text. The only thing I care about is that you don't tell anybody where we are." I say, forcing myself not to mumble the words.

"I just want my phone back." Blaine says in a small voice, hardly able to look at me. Her cheeks are tinged pink, and her eyes flicker around uneasily. "I'm done talking to people...for--for now, at least."

I nod quietly, reaching into my back pocket and pulling her phone out. "I don't care if you talk to people, I just don't w--"

"I'm not going to mess this up anymore." She reaches out for the phone, her voice still quiet. I pass it to her and nod again.


We are silent as she tucks her phone back into her own pocket, after checking for damages to the screen. Once the silence has grown almost unbearable, one corner of Blaine's mouth lifts upwards in a gentle smirk.

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