Chapter Seven

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Please notify me of any mistakes so that I can fix them!

I went through previous chapters and changed the texting style. It's a lot easier to tell they're texting and not thinking or talking now :)

> Chapter Seven <

Maya Todd

I don't remember the last time I fell in love with a girl.

I mean, maybe I do. But sometimes I just don't want to remember. It isn't always a joyride to remember her. Or the way that she smiled over her shoulder at me and giggled, or how she obsessed over artsy photos but never believed she was good at taking them. How she ate ice cream in winter and drank hot chocolate in summer. How her name left a warm tingle on my tongue when I said it.

"Georgia!" I giggled lightly, running over to stand beside her. The tank top she had been wearing now sat clutched in her hand, the buttons of her high-waisted skinny jeans and pale skinned belly and shoulders fully visible as we stood over a large city. It was beautiful and yet I hadn't even taken the time to register the name of the city we looked over. Not to mention I didn't know what building we were on the roof of.

Georgia let out a laugh, her blue eyes lit with wild excitement and craziness as she beamed at me, turning her face to see my own. I laughed more as I saw the total rush in her grin. "Isn't this amazing?" She asked.

"Maybe for all the pervs out there," I teased, nodding to her light pink bra. She giggled more and I felt my cheeks warm up, palms a little sweaty as I turned to stare at the city again.

"Well now it's your turn." She stated calmly. I froze as my eyes widened and turned to see her once more, taken aback by the way that her long auburn hair framed her face, the dozens of stray strands thrown around by the warmed breeze. "Go on, Maya! Off with the shirt!"

I glanced at the old, worn out tee that I was wearing. Underneath was a lacy blue bra. "I didn't sign up for this." I said flatly, my heart racing. She shook her head and laughed.

"You're no fun!" She reached for the bottom of my shirt and I yanked away, praying she wouldn't catch onto my reddened cheeks. "Maya. Don't make me do this alone." She looked deadly serious at this point, causing my heart to skip beats at the same time as it thudded dramatically.

"I didn't say I would do it! You made the choice to take it off and show this whole city--"

"I did!" She exclaimed, twirling in a whole circle before hugging my waist. She was extremely close, our bodies pressing together. My palms were sweating and I set my hands on her shoulder. "And, God dang, does it feel good to be alive!"

I shut my eyes and will away the tears that obnoxiously built up alongside the memory forever etched in the darkest, most locked up half of my brain. Not ever did my parents find out what happened in the city that she had tugged me to. She never said a word on the way there but I remember every train ride and every walk we took. It was hard to get there, yet not once did she falter. They knew I'd been there and yet they didn't know with who. They didn't know that I watched her reveal herself to the city. We didn't get in trouble, which is all that matters.

Blaine is... Blaine's different. She wasn't like Blaine and Blaine isn't like her. She was a wanderer. She pulled you in with beauty and the rest was history. I've always heard that mermaids lure fishermen to them by singing beautiful songs and then they don't return.

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