Chapter Seventeen

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> Chapter Seventeen <

Maya Todd

The silence that washes over my room is startling. It's like a burst of reality to actually recognize what I've just done. It isn't like I tried to hurt my mom, but she needed a reality check, too.

When did I get so mean? First I snapped at Georgia, and I just did the same to my own mother.

I shake my head slowly, trailing over to my bed and sitting down at the end. I stare out my window, where the driveway leads to the road, all empty. I feel cold, but our house is heated very nicely, and the window is shut.

But I don't want it shut.

I rise from my spot on the bed and carefully unlock the window before pushing it up. A blast of chills go up my spine as my room starts getting colder.

That's a lot better.

I sit back down and stare at my floor, unsure of what to do. Going back out there would be, like, a death wish. Not because my parents would scold me, but because I don't want to face the awkwardness of getting mournful looks from my mom.

This feels almost familiar, but yet it's so different from the first time.

I was breathing heavily, my heart pounding in my ears and my entire body quaking with anger.

As I thought about it, the anger was beginning to be overpowered by an overwhelming form of guilt and regret. I shouldn't have said that. I couldn't think of any way to sugarcoat it.

I lowered my gaze to the tile floor, my eyes misting over. I sniffled, struggling not to start crying as I walked forward.

I pivoted my body and stared into the mirror, my words echoing back at me. I still couldn't believe I'd said that. Georgia had trusted me when she told me about her alcoholic mother, and there I was, bringing it up in the most rude way possible.

How dare I...

I couldn't stare at myself any longer, so I stepped back and sat down on the edge of the bathtub, staring at the walls. My eyes were still trying to force out tears, but I wasn't having it. I shook my head and wiped them with the back of my hand, refusing to give in.

The silence just did its thing, continuing to embrace me and make everything feel heavier than it should have.

And then I heard footsteps coming this way, half muffled because of the thin walls.

I heard a knock and looked up, my heart shattering in my chest.

"Georgia..." I trailed, looking up. I expected the door to open, but it didn't. Instead, it stayed shut and the silence was still lingering eerily between us.

Nothing was said, so after a moment, I opened my mouth.

"You can come in." I said.

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