Chapter Three

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Please notify me of any mistakes so that I can fix them!

The image at the top is Travis!


> Chapter Three <

I drop myself into the plastic, uncomfortable chair and groan slightly as the bell rings to signal first period. I'm not that big of a morning person. Silently setting my bag on the floor under the desk, I lean back in my chair and watch as a few more kids file into the room.

At the front of the classroom stands our teacher, Mr. Koy. His soft, brown eyes are a contrast to his blonde hair. He's young, so why he's decided to waste his life away by being a twelfth grade teacher is far beyond me.

"Alright class, take out your novels and read for fifteen minutes." He picks up a black whiteboard marker from his desk and starts writing things on the board as the students take novels from their bags. The kids who aren't into reading all stand up - there's only about five of them - and go to pick books from the shelves in the back of the room.

I reach into my bag and take out my novel, The Fault in Our Stars, and open it to the page where I left off. As I read, I find it hard to concentrate entirely on the words that flow into my brain. I hardly understand what I'm reading, so after a while I just stop reading altogether and instead resort to staring blankly at the page.

If Vesper found out I was a lesbian... I... what would that mean for us? Would she ditch me? I mean, she's always used the phrase 'that's so gay'. Would she stop using it if I told her? I sigh and chew my lip as I stare at the page, not even recognizing any of the words staring back at me. My thoughts continue to break me apart and I'm lucky that I haven't started crying or having a breakdown like last night.

Something hits my shoulder and I gasp sharply, turning my head to the right to see one of the kids in my class holding his hand out as if he just tapped me.

"You okay, Blaine?" His black hair hangs slightly over his eye, blocking only half of the cold, green gaze he's locking onto me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I practically lie.

He whispers back. "You haven't flipped the page for almost five minutes, and I know you're one of the fastest readers in the class, so..."

"Oh. I'm just in a mood where I can't focus, so..." He almost chuckles because I repeated 'so' after he did, which makes me smile a little bit - it's only partially forced.

He smiles back and then turns his head back to his book. I turn back to my own, deciding to try reading. I manage to read a few paragraphs before Mr. Koy's voice interrupts me.

"Put your novels away and put your listening ears on," he walks to stand in front of his desk, leaning up against it as he watches us put our books away. I sit up in my seat and wait for him to start the lesson, which today seems like one I won't be able to focus on.

As he blabs on about how paragraphs and indenting is important, I drift in and out of consciousness. I'm not tired, but my thoughts won't cooperate with whatever Mr. Koy is trying to teach us. After a moment I notice kids beginning to take pencils and paper out of their binders, and I blink.

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