Chapter Twenty-Eight

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> Chapter Twenty-Eight <

Standing in a train station with Maya is just as exciting as this morning is going to get. Any other excitement, if you were wondering, was caused out of pure anger and/or disagreements.

We have had no joy throughout this long morning. It's growing on me, and I could probably fall asleep standing up just about now.

"Are you hungry?" Maya's voice cuts into my thoughts and I glance up at her, nodding.

"Practically starving, actually." Maya smiles at me and I smile weakly in return. "Are you asking just so that I can admit it and then die of starvation in this train station?"

"Definitely." She nods and smirks.

"Would it help if I asked about you and your Starbucks addiction?" I smirk back, lifting a brow. She groans and walks away from me, headed towards a strip of what looks like a food court in a mall. I follow her, catching up and letting our shoulders brush as I do.

Maya looks at me and smiles softly. "What do you want to eat? It's pretty much lunch time." I shrug in response.

"I'm not very picky," glancing around at the food courts, I see that there's no actual fast food restaurants, only the typical "train station" food types.

Maya scoffs. "Everyone says that."

"I'm no liar." She licks her upper lip, mischief in her eyes as she lifts one brow at me.

"Right." Maya just nods and then joins me in looking around the small, good-smelling stations of food. "Hey," she points at one of the miniature restaurants, "that one looks promising."

The restaurants sign reads Train Station Coffee. "Yes," I nod. "Very promising." Smirking at each other, Maya and I start walking towards the destination.

We pass many different people on the way, and when we arrive in the shop, we find the smell of coffee and donuts surrounding us. There are menus on each table, set neatly and precisely together. We pick a table for two and sit down across from each other, flipping open our menus hungrily.

"Definitely promising." Maya smiles, her eyes flickering up to me as she looks through the menu.

"Of course. Nothing but the best, right?"

We take a few moments of silence to select whatever we want from the menu, and then - as if on cue - a waiter shows up. He smiles happily at us.

"What can I get you two today?"

"I'd like the French toast supreme," Maya responds, leaning back in her seat. "And an iced coffee to go with it - caramel, please."

"Alright. And you?" The man's eyes flicker to me, still cheekily grinning.

"I'll have an everything bagel with butter and just a glass of water, please." He nods as he writes down my order.

"That's all?" We both nod at him and he collects the menus in a swift movement. "Alright, someone will be right here with your meal!" Turning, the man saunters away.

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