Chapter Twenty-Six

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> Chapter Twenty-Six <

Maya looks at me as the taxi driver brings us down roads that I can't put a name to. I don't have the desire to say anything to her, or to look at her.

Maya is a mixture of things. She's like fire. She can hurt you. Badly. She has that sort of aura. But she's also mesmerizing and beautiful. She's intricate. Hard to understand. And once you catch onto her, she's hard to get rid of. Hard to destroy.

She continues staring as we drive, and honestly? I'm fine with it. I'm not ready to complain. I have no energy. I'm tired, and probably cranky, and just... exhausted.

"Blaine, don't be a child." Maya's voice cuts into my thoughts. "Ignoring your problems gets you nowhere."

I look over, glaring slightly. She stares blankly, her eyes holding a similarity to the exhaustion I am feeling currently.

"Sorry." I mutter.

My goal here was to play hard to get, and now I've given in. I've failed. Dramatically, in fact.


That's the best I can say, I guess. For now.

Maya just stares at me with those piercing grey eyes of hers. I stare back intently, my heart beating naturally. I notice this because it is a new, genuinely shocking thing. I'm usually trying to keep myself from throwing up my heart. It beats way too fast when I look at her, or when she looks at me.

Her eyes sink into mine, as if melting grey against brown. I don't like this feeling. It's intense and scary. Eye contact is... attractive? But it's also scary, no doubt about it.

I turn away, having had enough of this feeling where my heart doesn't beat correctly. I hear a huff from Maya, then she shifts in her seat. A hand, light and emitting no heat, rests on my thigh.

My head turns back to Maya quickly, my eyes landing on her hand. "Blaine," she says. I glance up at her. "We need to stop."

For once, it feels as if she is apologizing. Because of this new feeling, my heart does the weird beating thing once again, as if picking up an old tradition.

"Stop what?" I ask her. Maya just shakes her head.

"Are you acting like you don't know?" She answers my question with a question. "Or are you genuinely confused?" Two questions.

Which is it? I don't even know...

"I'm not sure," I murmur, my lips barely moving to form the words. "I just... didn't expect this."

"Expect what?"

"Stop asking me things." She sends me a slight glare. "Please." I narrow my eyes back. Maya shuts her eyes, turning her head away.

"Sorry." Her mumble of defeat leaves my eyes rounding in surprise. "But, really - what didn't you--"

Before she can ask it again, I cut her off. "Any of this. This trip... thing, whatever it is. The tension between us, or... or the..."

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