Chapter 9

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Killian's POV

Emma and I were the best of friends since we met and now things have truly changed.

"So you have been having what now for Emma?" David asks.

"Dont make me say it again." I say.

"Killian, its not everyday you tell us your in love." Robin says.

"I know. I never thought I would be in love. Though Emma makes me so happy. I cant explain it all I know is that I dont think this the feeling is same." I say.

"Your stupid. Emma feels the same as you." David says.

"Yeah. I mean I saw they way you two looked at each other for the last couple years and I always thought you two were in love." Robin says.

"Wait what? What about when she was with August? Did you think so then?" I ask.

"She never looked at him the way she looked at you. Just like you have never looked at a girl the way you look at Emma. You have to tell her you love her." David says.

"I agree. She loves you and now you have to tell her the truth. Now go. Go." Robin says.

They were right it was time to tell Emma the truth. I went in Emma's class and waited for her. When walked out she didnt see me. She the walked over to that Neal guy and they were talking. She was laughing at what he said and he placed his arm around her and it felt my heart break. I went home and started packing boxes.

"Killian what are you doing?" Emma asks.

"Im leaving love." I say.

"For how long?" She asks.

"I dont know." I say.

"What? Why are you leaving?" She ask with tears in her eyes.

"Emma dont." I say.

"This is because of me isnt it. You wanted to stop what we were doing and you wanted it to stop to make me happy, but I wanted to continue. Its all my fault." She says crying.

"No, Swan no." I say and hug her.

She started crying on my chest and I kisses her head. I cant leave her. I just cant.

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