Chapter 31

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Emma's POV

Its been two weeks since the whole Pregnancy thing and Killian and I made our choice on what we wanted.

"Okay Love I have to go. Have a nice day." Killian says and kisses my head.

"I'll pick up Maverick from Snow's and David's after class." I say.

"Okay bye love." Killian says and walked out.

I went to class and then after class I went to study and then I was off to pick up Maverick.

"Emma hey welcome." Snow says.

"How was he?" I ask.

"He is fine. Still sleeping. Hey take a seat for a moment." She says.

I sat down on the couch and she gave me a glass of water.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah everything is fine. I want to talk about what was happening to you." She says.

"Oh thats over actually." I say.

"Well that does happen when you know whats going on." She says.

"Umm okay. Look I just came for Maverick." I say.

"Emma, I know your pregnant." She says.

"Snow I need to go." I say.

I went over to the play pin and picked up Maverick and then I took him back to the apartment. As I began to make dinner when Killian walked in.

"Hey love." Killian says and kisses my cheek.

"Hey you. Welcome home." I say.

"So I got a call from David saying that Snow wanted to talk to you, but you didnt want to talk. Let me guess you didnt tell her." He says.

"Nope and I wasnt planning on it." I say.

After the dinner was done Killian and I had dinner and then there was a knock on the door. When Killian answered Snow, David, Robin, and Regina walked in.

"Emma we need to talk about this. Why wont you tell anyone your pregnant?" Snow asks.

"They probably are waiting to tell people." David says.

"Yeah just give them space." Robin says.

"Not until I know why she wont tell us." Snow says.

"Emma just tell us so we all can move on." Regina says.

"Love its time. Tell them." Killian says.

"Okay.. Im not pregnant." I say.

"Oh, but... I dont understand." Snow says.

"Actually I was pregnant, but we talked and decided this wasnt the time for another child. So we decided on an abortion." I say.

"Why?" Snow asks.

"Because Maverick isnt even one yet and we just felt that we wernt ready for another." Killian says.

After Killian said that they all nodded and left. When I found out we were expecting we both realized that with everything that happened to us a child was just gonna stress us out even more. I have school and work. Killian has work. We have to take care of Maverick. It isnt time for another child. We made our choice and since we did everything seemed to fall into place. Maybe one day Killian and I will have the chance to raise another child, but now is not the time. Maybe Sometime in the future when Killian and I are possibly married and Maverick is older maybe then we can talk about another baby. Though right now Killian and I are happy and I think it was the best choice for us. One day we might have a child, but that wont be for a long time.

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