Chapter 16

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Killian's POV

I brought the baby into the apartment and he was sleeping. I placed the carrier on the coffee table and knocked on Emma's door.

"Swan can we talk please?" I ask.

There was no reply and then she walked out with bags in her hand.

"Goodbye." She says and walked past me.

"Swan, stop." I say grabbing her arm.

"Killian I just need to get out of here right now." She says.

"Why do you have bags if you just need to get out for now?" I ask.

"Im gonna stay with Snow and David for a few days. We both have stuff to think about." She says.

"Well what should I do? I dont know how to be a father. I dont even have anything for him. Maybe I should give him up." I say.

Emma wasnt paying any attention to me she was to busy being distarcted by the baby.

"Did you say something?" She asks.

"Yeah I said if I keep him I have nothing for him." I say.

"Well are you gonna keep him?" She asks.

"Yeah I think so. The question is will you help me?" I ask.

"Of course I will. Hey how about we go to the store and get him stuff." She suggests.

"But love where are we suppose to get the stuff?" I ask.

"Walmart." She says.

She placed Maverick in the carseat and we walked over to David's and Snow's place.

"A baby? Wow Jones." David says.

"Could we please borrow your truck and could you please watch him?" Emma asks.

"Of course. But we need food for him and like a diaper." Snow says.

"Where was one bottle in the carseat and like a diaper and some wipes." I say.

"Thank you both so much. We will be back soon." Emma says.

We got all the stuff we had need to take care of Maverick. We went back to our place and made a place to place the crib for now. Then we picked Maverick up and placed him in the crib. Emma looked over the side of the crib and she smiled. Maybe this baby thing wont be such a bad thing after all.

"Emma, Im sorry our one year anniversary got interrupted." I say.

"Thats okay. This was more important. So I was talking with Snow while you and David were talking about his truck. She offered me her spare room. So you can move the baby stuff into my room when I move out." Emma says.

"Your not moving out I wont let you." I say.

"I'll still help you, but he needs an actual room." She says.

"Which is why I want you to move into my room. We can stay in my room and give him your room. What do you think about that?" I ask.

"Yeah I'd like that." She says and kisses me.

I wasnt gonna lose Emma and I was gonna be a father. Im so lucky I have Emma I wouldnt be able to do any of this without her.

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