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 The woman couldn’t believe that her Master’s best spy and assassin would ever let her go freely. It seemed like her pregnancy softened him up, especially the notion that the child within her might be a girl. Now she was standing on the ship, and she held her hand over the stomach in a protective gesture, hoping that her plan would work and no one would ever find her or her little girl. It didn’t take long before the ship arrived to Bilbao in Northern Spain and she got off. Her bag was getting heavy despite the charm that was supposed to make her not feel any of its weight. She felt strangely alone and if it weren’t for the baby kicking her beneath the ribs she might have considered giving up on everything. But then again, if it weren’t for the baby, she would never consider running away. With that realization, she grabbed the handle of her bag more firmly and drew out her wand inconspicuously. Her magic might have been weaker due to the her advanced pregnancy but she had enough powers left to get a little further away from here. She confounded the clerk in the nearby travel office who handed her a plane ticket with the stupidest smile imaginable. The woman started to look around and felt a surge of despair. She might have been successful so far but her cousin Regulus was the one who planned the journey and researched the Muggle transportation; she only observed and remembered bits and pieces. Right now, she was quite helpless; trying to imagine what could mean the words ‘gate A9’.

“Puc ajudar-te?” She heard right behind her. The woman turned around and noticed a tall man behind her. If it weren’t for his Muggle appearance, she would have thought that she’s already been discovered. The man seemed to have misinterpreted her frown:

“British are you?” he asked with a soft accent. She nodded and winced when the baby kicked again. She was getting tired and needed to find some sort of accommodation. The man clearly noticed her condition: “Do you need any help ma’am?” he asked politely and Alexis nodded. She was beyond trying to solve this on her own and even though she’s been brought up according to the Pureblood philosophy, she was more than willing to trust a Muggle right now. The man offered her his arm and she gladly took it. The man started to talk:

“Well, the name is David Joshua Legrande ma’am, do you need any help?”

Alexis gladly handed him the piece of paper, full of Muggle lettering and numbers. The young man grinned widely when his eyes flew across the ticket. “What a coincidence; we’re on the same flight,” he announced and lead her on to one of the Muggle machines. She staggered after him and was relieved when David Legrande finally showed her to her seat and sat down beside her.

“Your husband must be crazy to let you travel so far away on your own,” he mumbled. Alexis was starting to get tired and slid down to the man’s shoulder unconsciously: “I’m not married,” she said before she fell into dreamless sleep. Everything seemed to shake around her until the plane seemed to run into something…

Catalina Legrande woke up from her dream as the Beauxbatons carriage touched the ground. Everybody else was whispering excitedly in French but Catalina was more concerned with her dream than with the fact that they have finally arrived to the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She knew that David Legrande, her dad, wasn’t her real father but she never knew how he and her mother met until she’s started to have this dream. It was almost like a memory but that was impossible; according to the residing Healer at Beauxbatons Institute fetus doesn’t register as much of the outside world as to create a memory. Catalina settled for this at first, but then her dad actually told her the very same story she dreamed about and all the reassurance that came from the Healer was swept away.

Catalina got up and started to gather her cloak and cap along with the other students. She took extra care to hide all of her hair under her garments and shoved her emerald necklace behind her shirt; no one needed to know that she even owned such a jewel. Only a moment later, The Headmistress, Madame Maxime, soon pulled her out of the group.

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