The Lost Memory

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The man started to change before their eyes as expected. The magical blue eye fell out of the empty eye socket and was replaced with a real one just like the leg seemed to grow back instead of the magical prosthetic.

The man thinned, his wrinkles smoothed out, his hair turned to the shade of dark blond with only couple of grey strings running through it. His attractive face stretched as Moody’s sunken cheeks filled up slightly and the cheekbones protruded from under a paper white skin of a man that has probably spent most of his life indoors.

“Barty Crouch Junior,” gritted Severus between his teeth.

Crouch Junior only rewarded his attentions with a dashing smile.

“You never change do you Snape? Always keeping up with the image of great black bat…”

He looked strangely confident for being caught without killing Potter.

Severus approached him forcing the Veritaserum down his throat. As his hand went for his neck he was tempted to just crack it.

“Oh no dear Severus, maybe you forgot about it, but dead men tell no tales.”

He watched the potion disappear in his mouth. The gaze of the light brown eyes seemed to be drawn over with a milky blanket of confusion.

Dumbledore approached the man.

“Can you hear me?”

The man snickered.

“Of course I can you bloody fool.”

Severus looked directly at Potter as they listened to the story of how Crouch Jr. came to impersonate Moody, Voldemort’s plan of resurrection that was slowly unraveling through the year until they came to the topic that interested Severus the most.

“I might have failed minutes ago when killing Potter, but that never really was my task… getting him to the cemetery was.  And then as a bonus there was the ‘little miss’ as Karkarrof called her.”

Severus turned away from Potter. “Where is she?”

“She’s exactly where she belongs Snape.”

Crouch Junior laughed. “I don’t believe this, you really were clueless weren’t you?”

Even through the influence of the Veritaserum, the man has retained all of the former nastiness that Severus knew long time ago.

“First, you follow her around like a little frantic puppy with rabies, then you start sneaking around with her to the library, find out that she can resist the Unforgivable Curses and you still don’t know who she is?” the disbelief crept into his voice.

“And you were his right hand once upon the time…”

Severus pressed his wand to the man’s neck.

“Then tell us fools who she is Barty,” asked Dumbledore calmly.

Barty Crouch was still eyeing Severus.

“I might have spent half my life imprisoned, first in Azkaban and then by my father, but I still know my Master’s daughter when I see her.”


Voldemort has a  daughter. A daughter who is not evil like him. And she was the target of higher value than I was.

The thoughts were racing through Harry’s head making him dizzy. He continued to listen to the imposter for Alastor Moody.

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