Bad Dreams

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“How is she?”

Severus raised his head to look at Minerva. “There’s nothing new; she’s stabilized and remains unconscious,” he said quietly and looked down to Catalina’s pale face. After she’s blacked out, he immediately called for help; he himself did his best to revive her before Poppy however this seemed to be beyond either of their abilities. They were able to stabilize her and transport her to Hogwarts safely. Albus and Minerva made sure that Catalina stayed safe from the prying eyes of Dolores Umbridge and Severus spent most of his time trying to detect anything, a curse, hex or even scratches on the surface of the metal, but his attempts have failed. After first three days, he took the necklace to Dumbledore for examination however not even the Headmaster could find anything that would explain Catalina’s current state.

“There’s no sense in you being here Severus,” said Minerva sharply and grabbed his shoulder firmly. Severus shook it off:

“Don’t tell me what to do Minerva,” he snarled and pointed to Catalina. “That’s my pregnant wife; I’ll be here no matter how long it takes.”

“Your staring at her won’t help her Severus!” hissed Minerva and adjusted her glasses that slipped down her nose a little in anger. “And don’t say that you’re already married out loud in here… Poppy doesn’t know you’re the father.”

Severus looked down to Caty once again before he murmured: “We’re not married yet.”

A look of compassion passed through Minerva’s face; she seemed to understand that even without the document, Severus already thought of Catalina as of his wife. He let his hand slide into her hair and slid his thumb along her temple gently. He hoped that she would wake up soon; the child would need a real food instead of the magical supplementation of glucose in the mother’s bloodstream. The only good news so far was that there were no signs of the pregnancy being endangered by what happened. Severus cursed himself for even allowing himself letting her touch that thing before Albus could examine it.

“Don’t blame yourself Severus; you said you touched that thing before she did and there was no trace of magic on it… “

“You’re still here?” he snarled in Minerva’s direction, causing the woman to take a step back.

“Yes, I’m still here,” she spat back angrily. “Do I need to remind you that you’re not the only one who cares about the girl Severus? No one knows what is going on here! We might even have to call in Healers from St. Mungos…”

“No, we can’t do that,” objected Severus calmly. “You forget that no one can know about this: the necklace, her heritage, powers, pregnancy… even the fact that she’s an unregistered Animagus is noticeable by the exams those Healers give. Fudge would be delighted.”

Minerva clicked her tongue in displeasure and looked down on the girl in concern. If there was anything that the two Heads of Houses shared, it was the fact that neither of them liked to sit around and wait.


Harry woke up suddenly and noticed that Ron was already gone.

He’s afraid to stay with me in one room, he thought grimly, remembering the trip to St. Mungo’s. Regardless of what his friends told him, he was still certain that there was something about him that could hurt anyone. He feared that after all that he’s been through he might be becoming evil. Even when he sometimes looked into the mirror it seemed to him like the reflection is not his own anymore. With such gloomy thoughts, he slowly got dressed and walked down the stairs for breakfast. He was met with surprised looks from Ron and Ginny. Hermione was, as usually, occupied with a textbook.

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