Grimmauld Place Refuge

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Passing through the outside corridor, Caty felt a snowball hit the back of her head and turned


“You’re not shaking us off Catycat,” grinned Fred and tore the backpack of off her shoulders. Caty clicked her tongue in displeasure; Severus has taken it to himself to randomly give points to the Twins for supervising her and they took to their duty with unnatural enthusiasm.

“How much is carrying my backpack worth?” she asked with a sneer. George picked her up and grinned at her: “Backpack is ten points and making sure your feet don’t get wet is fifteen.”

He pretended to drop her and Caty cuffed him on the head. “Seriously, those aren’t points earned; these are leather boots George, there’s no way my feet could get wet.”

George finally set her down inside and Caty started to stride fast through the hallway. Like it wasn’t enough that her little trick with sugar couldn’t help the morning sickness anymore, now Severus had some truly ridiculous demands for her to keep and the Twins were quite ready to make sure she behaved. The Gryffindor Tower was full of strange rumours about the amount of points that they received from the Gryffindor-hating Potions Master and no one understood why Catalina sulked about it.

She stormed into the Transfiguration class and sat down. Caty wasn’t sure about what to do in here; Minerva wouldn’t allow her to even to touch the animals they used and made her to Transfigure them from a yard’s distance. Some of the Ravenclaws that Gryffindor sixth years’ had most of the classes with grunted about that until Minerva explained that since Catalina was quite advanced and it made her to advance her individual curriculum. Caty began to hypnotize one of the raccoons and the Twins sat down beside her.

“Stop grumbling Cat, the man may be a … alright, I won’t go there,” chuckled George when she gave him one of her mean glares. “I was going to say that even though he’s not very emotional, he’s only trying to make sure that you stay fit and don’t run into any problems. I’m quite considering to change my opinion on him. I mean, I wish you’d try to introduce him to shampoo and hair conditioner before the two of you got cozy but…”

Catalina groaned and lowered her head on the table. She heard a heavy sound that told her Fred dropped her backpack behind her but she didn’t really feel like taking out her books or preparing her quill. Fred rubbed her back soothingly.

“Remember when we were little and mom was about to have Ginny, George?”

“Oh yeah,” said the other Twin. “Those tears just came flowing out of nowhere not to even mention how quickly she managed to throw those dishes at dad… you think Cat is going to drown him in someone’s cauldron today?”

Catalina got up quickly, feeling the blood rush up to her head too quickly for comfort. “That is a splendid idea George, thank you,” she said dreamily. The Twins might have driven her crazy with their little pact with Severus but that still didn’t change anything about them being her dearest friends; this idea of theirs had some special merit to it. Other students started to find their way to the class and whisper among themselves.

Fred leaned in closer to her ear: “No way Cat; you’re not ruining this for Gryffindor, do you have any idea how many points we could earn this way? No real drowning him…”

“Mr. Weasley the class already started; now don’t make me tell you twice or you’ll be sent to Mr. Filch’s office. I’m sure he’d be delighted to see you.”

Minerva walked in swiftly and waved her wand, causing the chalk to move up through the air and start to write on the board. The Twins and Caty started to pull out the parchment and quills and started to listen to the lecture while taking down notes. Eventually they got to Transfiguring the raccoons into guinea pigs. Caty made it on her tenth try, which kind of made her wonder if her magic could be somehow diminished because of the pregnancy.

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