Creeping Shadows

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“Try again Miss Legrande.” Said Minerva McGonagall calmly.

She looked appreciatively at the young girl that’s been crouching in front of her after her unsuccessful change.

The girl was obviously tired already but she obeyed.

Her body stretched and grew, twisting itself in a smooth and natural way. Her form now couldn’t stand upright anymore, she had to fall onto her hands that were slowly becoming paws.

The eyes that were observing Minerva McGonagall made her shiver. The usual green of Catalina Legrande’s eyes slowly turned to amber and their warmth has slowly crept away.

The form of a tiger stretched slowly in Minerva’s office but the form, once again, didn’t last and Caty was once again crouching on the floor.

“This is useless,” she was obviously displeased with herself.

“We have tried for over two months now and I still can’t hold onto my form long enough to even go lay out in the sun…. what am I doing wrong professor?”

Minerva looked at her with regret.

“I’m afraid that you’re doing nothing wrong Miss Legrande.”

The girl looked baffled.

“Why is the change not sticking then?”

Minerva knew the girl would ask her.

“That is completely individual Miss Legrande. Something in you, has to break, the last bond between yourself and the animal that depicts you must be disconnected for the form to last.”

She felt sorry for the girl, this happened to most of the people who wanted to become Animagi; their humanity gripped them too strongly to allow them slip into their animal body.

“Practice is all that can help you. One day perhaps, something will snap and change. But until then, I’m afraid that I have done all I can as a professor to help you. I’m really sorry Miss Legrande.”

The girl looked at her.

“Me too.”

Minerva watched the girl pack up and walk away to class without seeing any signs of disappointment. The girl hid her pain well, and Minerva wished that there would be a manner in which she could help her. But achieving the last step of becoming an Animagus was really up to her now.


The potions of the fifth years were slowly bubbling and turning purple. No explosions, no problems, Severus hadn’t taught a more peaceful class this year. In a very minor way, one could suspect that he was at ease, but ever so often he shot a very concerned look towards a curtain of jet black hair that was surrounded by the Weasley twins.

For this past week, he has watched Catalina mercilessly, looking for another characteristics of Bellatrix within her. To his delight, Caty’s mind was clean of everything he has observed in Bella since she was a student. Not a touch of maliciousness or cruelty has ever touched the girl’s face. In reassurance, Severus recalled how she allowed the house elf Dobby call her by name and how she allowed him to talk to her about Lily.

Bella would never do anything like that. He thought with relief.

From the corner of his eye he could see Catalina has gotten up. Again, she was amongst the first ones to finish. She looked worried and perhaps a little disappointed.

His mind reached for her.

Caty, what’s wrong?

He watched her blink and slowly reach for her nose, wiping away a small drop of blood. Severus cursed under his breath.

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