In the Dark of the Night

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The wedding song is for the Love of the Princess by Myleene Klass - link to the video is posted under the external link; comments and votes as well as feedback are well appreciated - I can only assume that the latest lack of all of those means I'm doing something wrong - help me fix it. ;) - gypsyarabic52


The first week of school was at an end and Caty was glad to finally have a moment to relax in Severus’ arms. Even he was tired after the events of the first week of school and welcomed the opportunity to share a moment with her. Caty snuggled up closer to him and earned a few gentle strokes along her spine in return. He seemed pensive to her and, to some degree, even uncomfortable. She didn’t ask what was wrong however; she’s learned that if she was patient enough, Severus would eventually tell her what bothered him.

“Who all knows we’re getting married?” he asked her finally/

Catalina ran her finger across Severus’ shoulder pensively, wondering about how many people actually knew. The number wasn’t too great but she assumed that it was enough to bother Severus.

“Arthur and Molly, Nymphadora, Remus, Sirius, Maria, whoever you told of the Hogwarts staff so I assume Minerva and Dumbledore but Pomfrey doesn’t know anymore,” she said, absolutely sure of the fact that no one else knew. Yet, she could still tell Severus feels like it’s too many people.

“You left out Kingsley, he’s making sure our wedding paperwork passes unnoticed at the Ministry,” added Severus in a blank tone that would cause many people to think he’s sleepy but Caty knew he’s annoyed; the man was a social recluse and accustomed to loneliness. Having so many people knowing about something as important and intimate to him as marriage could aggravate him to the point of sending all of those people poisoned candy. Catalina could only hope that it didn’t come to that.

“Yes, Kingsley is rather important I shouldn’t have left him out,” she spoke softly, running her fingers across his chest in a slow circling motion. Severus tightened his embrace on her and remained in a deafening silence.

“It’s a boy,” said Caty after a while. Her words had the result she’s hoped for; Severus shifted her slightly higher up on his chest so that he could look at her. He was still scowling slightly, but a glint of excitement crossed his eyes.

“How do you know?” he murmured and reached to play with a loose strand of her hair. Catalina pressed her forehead against his:

“I can feel it. He’s like you already…”

Severus silenced her with a kiss and Caty felt two of his fingers drawing a small circle beneath her navel.

“Do you mean to say that now you have two unpleasant, grumpy men in your life?” he teased her with a slight smile set on his lips. Caty sat up to reach for a glass of water on the nightstand and drank deeply; one of her new habits was to drink a lot before she went to sleep.

“You’re unpleasant and grumpy Sev? I barely notice it anymore,” she winked in his direction.

“Perhaps I’m losing my touch,” he said sarcastically and pulled her close to him again. Catalina grabbed one of the blankets and covered them both. Severus started to object:

“Why won’t you just get dressed if you’re cold?”

“Because I much prefer to sleep this way; you know that,” muttered Catalina. “Have you spoken to Dumbledore?”

She was a little concerned about the reaction Severus was going to have to the idea that she shared her memories with Dumbledore by simply touching him but he didn’t seem concerned at all.

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