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@JusticePowell: I dare Adam and Ty to kiss for 5 episodes and Mitch and Jerome slap Ty and Adam each time they kiss with a butter squid.

Ty~ I don't want to kiss that moron.

Adam~ *British accent*I'm not a MORON!!!

Me~ Yes you are.

Adam~ *British accent* Ugh! I'm gonna have to use neurotoxin.

Me~ Oh no! You aren't in GLaDOS's body! You can't do it! You really are a moron.

Adam~ *yells random explicit in British accent*

Seto~ *quickly covers my ears* I thought this was kid friendly. I hope you learn something from this, Adam.

Adam~ *was going to say something, but Ty kisses him*

Mitch and Jerome~ *slap Adam and Ty with butter*

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