Mitch Gets a Date

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@DeadSkyQuake: I dare Seto to turn everyone into identical Jeromes, have Mitch leave the room, then have him come back and kiss a Jerome after you mixed them up, and then turn the person he kissed back to normal. This is the person he has to date for 2 weeks.

Me~ *suddenly wakes up* *sees the dare* I WANNA JOIN!!!

Jerome~ That would break your dare with gravelox.

Me~ UGH! *scratches at the bars of the cage to make a screech sound*

Ian~ It's her last cat day, at least.

Ryan~ She still has nails.

Me~ *bears kitten teeth*

Jerome~ *goes up to the cage* Aww, wittle Portal thinks she's gonna scare us. *sticks his finger in the cage to try to pet my face*

Me~ *bites his finger*

Jerome~ *screams in pain and pulls back* Let's just get to the dare.

*everyone is turned into Jerome, Mitch leaves, the Jeromes are mixed up, and Mitch comes back*

Mitch~ *kisses a Jerome*

*everyone turns back to normal*

Mitch~ I kissed the real Jerome? Ugh.

Me~ MEROME IS REAL!!!! *scratches at the cage bars*

Everyone~ *covers their ears*

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