Chapter 1

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Harry's POV:

"Potter!" Draco Malfoy sneered as we passed each other in the hallway. I was on my way to Muggle Studies and didn't particularly care for another argument with him. Gryffindor had double Potions next with Slytherin. I hated that class, because I was bad at Potions, but mainly because I swear that Snape had it out for me.

I send Malfoy a look as he sneered my name and continued to Muggle Studies with Ron and Hermione. "Bloody git." Ron mumbled under his breath, although I could hear him quite well. Ron hated Malfoy because he was he always messed with us and kept calling Hermione a 'mud blood'. Hermione broke into tears the first time he called her that and Ron tried to cast a spell at Malfoy, but he got him first and Ron was vomiting slugs for days.

I had befriended the blond Slytherin boy weeks ago. I don't exactly know why, it was just something that I felt the need to do. And I'm glad I did.

I know it sounds weird, The Boy Who lived befriending a Death Eater. But I did it because I couldn't let Draco believe that I was the enemy. So, I was friends with Draco but Ron and Hermione didn't know, so we still had to act vile towards each other in the hallways.

Ron hated Draco, for he called him a bastard or a bloody git half of the time. We tended to hang out quite a bit, with him realising that I wasn't the enemy to him.


I was looking for Malfoy. I had to talk to him. I knew he was a death eater. I found out when I was talking to Dumbledore up in the Astronomy Tower one evening. Malfoy was crying slightly but Snape said one of the killing curses before Draco had the chance to do anything. Dumbledore fell of the tower as Snape and the rest of them ran away and that was the worst day of my life. I had just lost the man who was like a father to me. The man that I had loved for 6 years and the one that I shall continue to honour and respect.

Snapping out of my reverie of a few months ago, I looked up to see Draco walking down the hall, looking at his feet. Looking sideways, I spotted a broom closet a few feet away. I quickly walked to it and grabbed Draco forcefully by the wrist and pulled him inside, yanking the door shut and whispering a silencing charm.

"Potter?! What the hell is wro-" I put my hand over his mouth so he couldn't continue talking. It was my turn.

"I know." I said simply, in a little words as I could. He paled a little bit before looking at me with nervousness and confusion.

"Know what...?" Draco said a little shakily, upset at the fact that I knew something. My right hand went to my face as I rubbed my chin and then my eyes.

"Draco, look, I know. I know about Dumbledore, I know about Voldermort and I know about you being a death eater." He looked in true fright at me.

"That's absurd, Potter." He tried snarling but it didn't work, all that came out was a slight croak as his voice cracked on my name.

"Draco." I said softly trying to be reasonable.

He looked at me as his mercury eyes began to fill up with tears. They slowly dribbled down his cheek, glistening in the light on his pale skin.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" He repeated over and over again as he held his head in his hands. I out a hand on his shoulder comfortingly as he sobbed.

Once he calmed down, he sat up with puffy eyes. Rubbing them to get himself to stop crying, he began to explain.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted this. I never wanted to fight on the dark side. And I never wanted Dumbledore dead. Voldermort had been staying at my house with my mother and father after you had won the Triwizard Tournament. Ever since he began staying there, I hated to go back for term break.

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