Chapter 10

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Draco's POV:

Sitting down at my desk, I pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. Dipping the quill in some ink, I began to write:

Dear Harry,

My love, I have made it home safely to the Malfoy Manor and I miss you like crazy.

It is quite lonely here by myself. I often wish for myself to be with you.

My mother and father-... Oh dear.

Harry, I cannot be talking to you anymore or remain in contact. Please stay away from me. For I

have just realised something deftly grave that puts you in a lot of potential danger. I do not want to

see you hurt or even killed because of me. Just know that I love you.

Please don't come looking for me.

Love, Draco.

My hand shook as I wrote the letter to Harry. Teardrops rolled off my face and splattered onto the words. I did not want to send this to Harry but I had to. For he was in grave danger if I kept in contact with him. I had a sneaking suspicion that my father was onto me. And if I didn't do anything about it and he found out, he would have no doubts about slaughtering me. I don't think my father ever liked me, I guess I was just there because I was, well... Just there.

I knew my mother was a kinder person than my father and she took my well being into her hands. She tried to care for me as much as possible to make up for my fathers lacking.

Although, my mother never came near me when I was with my father unless it was absolutely important. I think mother resents my father for who he is today.

Snapping out of my reverie, I looked at the time. It was nearing 12 in the evening and I knew Harry would probably be up. I feared he would hate me once he read this. I could almost picture the emotions he would feel as he read it. Despair ripped through me as I sat hunched over my desk.

I decided to write another letter to explain some things. Not what was happening, but some things. Once again, I dipped the quill in the ink and scrawled across the parchment:

My dear Harry,

I am assuming you've read the other letter now and what you must be feeling.

I know you are devastated yet angry and I'm sorry for that because it is my fault. I just cannot bare to see

you get hurt. Ever.

The thing is, if it was up to me, I wouldn't choose this. Now now, not ever. As I sit here and write this, despair is ripping

through my body, slowly and it is excruciating to bear.

But please, don't hate me for this. I also know that you are confused by the first letter and have no idea of whats going

on. Let me assure you that if we continue in a relationship like this, I could be killed, or worse, you. And I don't ever want

to lose you. I wish desperately for some cuddles and some kisses but I cannot have any.

Don't you dare think of coming after me, because if you do, I will have no choice to run away.

Please Harry, take this into consideration as a warning.

I do not expect a reply and therefore I must pass a chance on that you will come after me.

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