Chapter 31

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Harry's POV:

I can't believe it. I absolutely cannot believe it. After reading that stupid letter, I pulled out the marauders map and whispered its confidential password before the ink swam across the page and I opened it. I saw other students but I didn't see Draco.

I had thoroughly scanned it, but still no Draco. And that's when I sat on my bed crying, the letter clutched in my hand. And that where Hermione found me several minutes later. I handed her the letter and she began to read.

How did I not hear him get out if bed? As a matter, how did I not hear him doing anything? I propped my head on my chin and pondered several questions for several moments. Hermione interrupted my pondering with her sympathies. "I'm so sorry Harry. I haven't a clue where he would have gone though." She laid a hand on my shoulder and patted.

I growled lightly. "Harry, you really should take this letter to Professors McGonagall and Snape. If he's supposed to be under your protection at all times, they may now what to do." Or they could freak out. Especially Snape, considering he is Draco's godfather. "You may be right." I sighed and agreed.

I stood up and straightened my robes before gliding down the stairs and out of the tower, Hermione in tow. She still clutched onto the letter and I was glad to have a supporting friend. Snape does not like me.

"Harry, wait." I stopped as Hermione gave a stiff tug of the sleeve of my robe. What now? I sighed exasperatedly and faced her with a grumped look. "McGonagall has a class. The last once of the day." I shrugged my shoulders and grew a glance over my shoulder. Very few students meandered in the hallway.

"Let's barge in the class then. This is important Hermione! Draco is important!" I stomped the rest of the hallway and Hermione caught up with me. "You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. By the way, McGonagall has Charms. Follow me." She set a foot in front and hurried down the hallway, turning several corners with her robes swishing. I took off after her.

"This is the one." Hermione pushed open a giant oak door and stepped in, motioning for me to do the same. "Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger, why are you interrupting my class?" McGonagall spoke with a stern look on her face. "Professor, I think it's really important that you read this please." Mione rushed forward and gave the note to McGonagall. She took it with interest and began reading.

I scanned the room and looked at all the students briefly. They were staring back with wide eyes and intense looks. Must be third years. Silly things. I heard McGonagall gasp several seconds later and I swung my head in her direction. Her hand covered her mouth and the hand clutching the paper was shaking.

"Class dismissed." She said in a quiet voice and sunk down into her chair. "Professor?" Hermione inquired and the professor shook her head. "This is bad news. Ms. Granger, please fetch Severus. He's got a fourth year Potions class. Tell him it's urgent." Hermione shot off without another word.

"Harry, please tell me you were watching him at all times?" McGonagall trembled and I hated to upset her even more but it had to be done. "Professor, I had him under my protection at all times. He never left my side once. But he was not feeling well after he had a break down this morning so I suggested he sleep in my bed. There were two seventh year Gryffindors in there with him." I paused and scratched my neck earnestly.

"Then I talked to Hermione after Transfiguration and she told me I should stay with him and so I went back up to him and we slept together. Not like that, but a nap. And when I woke up, he was gone. I assumed he was in the bathroom until my hand swiped under the pillow and found the note." The old witch shook her head and quaked.

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