Chapter 20

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Harry's POV:

It'd been three days adue to Draco being in the hospital. He was administered to stay in his dormitory bed for one day after he left, just to be on the safe side. I'd visited him in my invisible cloak, wary of the other Slytherins.

We were in the Great Hall having dinner. Tonight's dinner was roast chicken with mashed potatoes and vegetables. Upon sitting at the table, I sat opposite to Hermione, who was sitting next to Ron. We still hadn't talked yet, though Hermione urged us to desperately.

The sounds of cutlery on plates and minor chatting filled the hall softly. I was sitting in between Dean and Seamus, both chatting to each other. Though, Seamus had his mouth full half the time. Hermione daintily lifted her food filled fork to her mouth whilst Ron shovelled it in like there was no tomorrow.

Holding my own fork, I scooped up some chicken and mashed potato, slowly bringing it to my mouth and chewing slowly. My eyes wandered over to the Slytherin table, lingering on Draco. He too was eating slowly, if barely at all. By the strain on his face, I could tell his chest was still sore. Pansy chatted beside him, that girl drove me nuts.

Bringing my eyes back to my own food, I pushed it around my plate. I ate a few more scoops of dinner before I decided I wasn't hungry. My appetite had been wavering all day, and really, what was the point of forcing myself to eat food if I wasn't hungry?

"You ok Harry?" I looked up at Ginny who had spoken. I think Ginny had a crush on me. I couldn't be sure, but I only loved her like a sister. "Yeh, jus' fine." My words slurred together. Her brow furrowed before nudging Hermione, who was next to her.

Hermione looked up at me. Her eyes widened slightly before she spoke. "Harry, you don't look so good. Are you feeling alright?" I nodded and returned to staring at my plate. Both girls returned to their food and conversing between each other.

Once again, I looked up at the Slytherin table. Draco was in the same position as last time. He really didn't look too happy. I probably wouldn't be either if I had Pansy Parkinson chatting my ear off. As if sensing someone staring at him, he looked up from his plate.

Draco's eyes connected with mine and his lips curved into a small half smile. His eyes searched for my face, asking a question. Discreetly, I cocked my head to the side, signalling towards the door. He nodded and turned to face Pansy.

Back at my own table, I stood up. "Where ya going Harry?" Seamus asked, his question attracted the attention of Hermione, Ginny and Ron. "Somewhere. I'll be back. Maybe, I don't know. I don't feel all that good." With that, I walked away from the table and headed out the door.

I waited for a few seconds outside of it, waiting for Draco to show. All the students were in the Great Hall, which meant that we could wander the castle without being seen. Draco came out through the door a minute later. As he spotted me, his lips curved.

"Hey." He breathed as he got close to me. I smiled and brought him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his waist. After a minute or so, I let go and grabbed his hand. We walked up the hallway and turned a corner. "You alright?" I asked, noting his behaviour during dinner.

His eyes narrowed as he huffed out a breath. "Yeh, I guess. 'M chest hurts though." Ah, I thought so. I stopped in the hallway, Draco's hand tugged on mine when he realised I'd stopped. He retraced his steps back to my and stopped right in front of me.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked, confusion lilting in his voice. Gently, I moved his robes aside and undid the first few buttons on his shirt. I pushed the fabric aside and let my fingers softly graze over his chest, tracing the two scars put there out of anger. Draco didn't do anything to deserve this.

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