Chapter 24

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Harry's POV:

I'm your boyfriend.

I'm your boyfriend.

I'm your boyfriend.

You're my what?

I shot a masked look at Draco. I was still half straddling his waist, my fingers retaining in his scars. The marred flesh was pinkish white and slightly bumpy over the rest of his smooth skin.

So Draco's been my boyfriend for six months? And I've had a sudden memory loss from hitting my head? What else is new? I'll admit, he does have nice skin. And he certainly is attractive. Maybe, just maybe, I can will myself to do this.

I adjusted myself on Draco's lap before looking into his eyes. I gasped. His eyes were so beautiful, yet so cold. So silver. So mercury. A cough from his mouth brought me back to attention. "Um, so, you're my boyfriend...?" I trailed my fingers along his collar bone, shying them towards his throat.

"That'd be correct." Interesting. "And, do we... Love each other?" He nodded, confirming my thoughts from when I was in the hospital wing. I pushed back without another thought and shouted. "Ridiculous." And stormed out of my own room, leaving Draco in there by himself.

How could he love me? Let alone me love him. This is impossible. Absolutely ridiculous. I can't do this. I just can't. I can't continue this 'relationship'. It would just be pure torture. Unheard of.

I stormed out of the castle and down to the Black Lake, where I could think in peace. Along the way, I encountered a few surprised looks and hushed whispers. Let them be, I don't care.

This was going to be impossible. Absolutely impossible.


Draco's POV:

Four days. Four bloody days. Harry won't come near me. He's been avoiding me at all costs. I can't talk to him. I can't even touch him. Granger is the only one who's been keeping me updated about him and his memories. He hasn't made much progress, if barely any at all.

Me? I've been a mess. A pure mess. So very unlike me. Malfoy's are never a mess, but what do I care. Harry refuses to acknowledge me and that leaves me in a state unknown to Malfoy's.

I've spent a crucial amount of the four days wondering around the castle, completely blind sided by Harry's attitude towards me. The other remainder of the time, I went to classes and cried in my bed. I longed for Harry's touch. For his calming words. For his stupid Gryffindork ways. It surprises me how easily one boy can unbalance me.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I better get a goddamn good sleep.


"Harry?" My voice echoed down the hallway as I searched for my lover. I have not seen him, but I desperately need to do so.

"Harry?" I called again. Aimlessly, I checked several corners before giving up. Deciding to go to the Room of Requirements, I hoped to acquire Harry in there. My heels clacked against the stone floor silently, except for the occasion of a loose or hollow stone slab.

My movements were critical in the investigation of finding Harry. As I rounded the last corner, the Room of Requirements door came into view. Tenfold, I hurried towards it. As I came closer, my suspicions of Harry being in there became true. I could feel his magic aura pulsing steadily.

The door opened before I touched it, and I stepped inside quickly. I spotted Harry lying on the couch and maneuvered my way towards him. He sat up when he saw me and grinned deviously. This was the Harry I loved.

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