Chapter 46

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Harry's POV:

I shuffled down the stairs and into the kitchen, Draco right behind me. Vernon and the rest weren't home, which I was very grateful for. Draco wanted to make me breakfast, so I was showing him where everything was.

I pointed out various cupboards which held the things he would need. Or might need. And directed him to the drawers that held cutlery and plates and such. And then the fridge, which held the food. Of course. "Ok. You go sit down and wait. Breakfast will be done shortly, birthday boy!" Draco bent down to pull a pan from the cupboard. "Draco Malfoy cooking? Who knew?" I chuckled coyly and Draco mumbled under his breath. "Git." I gave a little smile and shuffled away to the dining table.

Severally minutes later and I could still hear Draco clanking around. There were a few choice words thrown around and I half smiled every time. A pecking at the window sounded so I got up and drew back the curtain. Tapping at the window impatiently was the Weasley owl. Soon as I opened the window, he shot through it and landed in the table with a thud and then collapsed.

I rushed over and detached the package and letter from his leg. "Harry?" Draco appeared from around the corner, holding a spatula with a hand on his hip. I turned around with the package and looked appreciably at the sight of Draco, knowing I probably won't see this side of him for another long time. Or at least until my next birthday. If he's around that long... No no. Don't you dare.

"Harry?" A tint or worry in Draco's voice brought me from my thoughts and my eyes raked upwards to meet his questioning glance. "What? Oh. Just a package from the Weasley's. No idea what could be in it though." I turned the package over in my hands. It was kind of lumpy. Wait, birthday, presents... Got it.

"A present. Or presents. Maybe there is multiple and you have to pull the enlarging spell on it." I looked up at Draco with wide eyes at the thought of lots of presents for me. Hurriedly, I shook my head and and returned the package to the table to read the letter. I assumed Draco returned to the kitchen from the noise coming within.

I flipped the parchment and unrolled it, my eyes skimming over the words and landing on the name at the bottom. Hermione and the Weasley's.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday!

You're finally seventeen. How exciting! I know it's still early but how has your birthday been so far?

How are the 'other' relations treating you?

Also, I've been meaning to ask, how are you coping with Draco at your house? Yes, I know about Draco staying with you. Professor McGonagall flooed through the Weasley fireplace. How is he treating you?

What did he get you? I know he got you something because it's Draco we're talking about. Is it nice? Make sure you owl me back soon.

Anyway, a great big happy birthday to you. All of the Weasley's say hello and happy birthday. Also, in the package, there are several gifts. So cast the engorgio spell on it.

I'll be seeing you in a months time on the Hogwarts Express.

Once again, happy birthday. We love you!

Love Hermione and the Weasley's.

Dammit McGonagall. I sighed and dragged a hand over my face as I place the letter on the table. A hand rested on my back as a pair of lips was pressed to my temple and a plait was placed in front of me. "Happy birthday babe!" Draco's lips brushed my ear as he purred words into them. I shivered in delight and leaned into his touch.

When he pulled away, he sat down beside me and I looked at my breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, fruit and juice. It looked scrumptious. I stabbed at a piece of pancake and lifted it to my mouth, savouring the taste and chewing slowly.

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