Chapter 15

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Seconds to minutes.

Minutes to hours.

Hours to days.

Days to weeks.

Weeks to months.

Months to years.

And yet, nothing will ever be the same.


Draco's POV:


Sheer glimmering. Were Harry's eyes. A brilliant green. Stunning, shining and glimmering.

Harry had the face of an angel. A beautiful, beautiful angel. And I succumbed to his charms, right from the very beginning. Not only was Harry beautiful, but he was quite muscular from quidditch. He had flawless skin and was the kindest of anyone I've ever come across.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I compared me to him. Next to him, I looked like trash. Pasty white skin, bleach blonde hair, dark mark on one arm, tall and lanky. I hated me. My attitude stunk, because I ran with the bad crowd. But in general, I was a cold person. With looks that could chill you to the bone.

Self consciously, I touched my face, pulling at the skin, wishing I could change it. I was one big ball of imperfections and flaws.

"What are you doing babe?" Harry's question spooked me from my thoughts. I dropped my hand to my side and stared at him through the mirror. His lopsided little smile rested on his face, his stupidly perfect green eyes staring back at me, slanted slightly because his head was tilted.

"Nothing." I responded to his question. Harry's eyes narrowed slightly as I answered. I could tell what he was thinking. Liar!

I sighed deeply, abraded by his looks. Putting my hands on the sink, I hunched over it, my shoulders concaving into my neck as I closed my eyes. I could hear Harry moving, walking towards me as his bare feet padded across the tiled floor.

His hands came into contact with my bare chest as his arms intertwined around my waist, his chin just resting on top of my shoulder. I smiled inwardly at my height, winning it over him.

"Draco, I know something is wrong. I saw you studying yourself and that sad look in your eyes. I was standing there for five minutes, Dray. Whats wrong?" Harry's question lingered in my mind.

Indecision fills my head.

All the things I left unsaid.

"I hate the way I look. All the imperfections and flaws. Every single one of them!" My voice shook as I talked. Nonetheless, it was firm and steely.

One of Harry's fingers traced circles on my stomach soothingly. "Dray, there's nothing wrong with you. I love everything about you. From head to toe and everything in between. All your imperfections are perfect to me. All your flaws are flawless to me." I didn't know how he could say such kind words when none of it was true.

"That's not true. Compared to you, I look like trash. You, on the other hand, look like an angel. Perfect green eyes, muscular from quidditch, strong, beautiful face and beautiful everything. Me, pasty white skin, bleach blonde hair, dark mark on one arm, tall and lanky. I hate me. My attitude stinks because I run with the bad crowd. I'm a cold person. With looks that could chill you to the bone." I was defiant against Harry's words. I hated myself. Loathed, even.

"Draco Lucius. I don't wanna ever hear you say anything like that about yourself again. You are perfect. Perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect lips. Perfect everything. Your skin isn't pasty, it's milky white and creamy. Just the way I like it. You're hair is beautiful. You're tall and I love that, and as for lanky, not a chance. Draco, you are quite muscular, just not the way you see me as. I wouldn't be like this of I didn't play quidditch, you know. So stop talking yourself down. Cause you're perfect, baby." Harry's words calmed me and I knew I shouldn't argue with him, besides, it was pointless.

"It's because of the dark mark, isn't it. You look at it and then you think it makes you hideous because you've been branded by it. But it can't define you, Dray, only you can define you." I knew Harry was right and I was just being stupid. But I hated that mark with a burning passion. It was hideous.

Unshed tears sat in the corner of my eyes. Everyone either hated me or was afraid of me because I was a Malfoy. A stupid, pretentious prat. Harry couldn't save me from my thoughts.

"I can't make you think your perfect, but I can love you with all my heart to show you that you are." I don't know how anyone could say something bad about Harry. He is as kindhearted and as sweet as Luna Lovegood.


My mind was a prison for all my I escaped thoughts. A dark room with four corners, where I usually resided most of the time. It was a dingy place that was cold. An inescapable trap.

It's where all the things that weren't saved go. Like me, I wasn't saved. Because some things just weren't worth saving. I wasn't worth risking anyone's life for. Not even Harry's.

I'm just a poor unfortunate soul

I'm stuck. Confined

To this small space of life

Don't come here

Don't go there

I'm a little lost

My heart is letting go

My pain you'll never know

I try, I try

To put my past behind me so

A song popped into my head. I don't know where it came from, but right now, I could relate to it exactly.

Right now, as the tune was looping around in my mind, I was watching Harry. He was sitting on the couch, sleeping rather. And he looked pretty uncomfortable.

Contemplating my actions, I got up and walked the short distance to the couch. Bending down slightly, I positioned him bridal style in my arms and picked him up off the couch. Harry's head lolled to the side as I cradled him.

Carefully and quietly, I brought Harry to our bedroom, where I laid him down comfortably. I pushed the hair off of Harry's head before kissing him on the cheek and quietly backing out of the room.


Heeeeeeyy! Chapter 15. Progress in the making. It's kind of short and I didn't update last night because tired and stressed. Anyway, read this story, share it, read some more and share it some more!!

Don't be a ghostie!

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