Chapter 4

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Draco's POV:

"Harry, please. Just let me explain." I wanted to explain. I had to let him know I was sorry. Really sorry.

"Why should I listen to you?" He asked angrily, rubbing his face.

"Because I'm sorry. Pease just give me a chance to explain." I begged.

"Go on then, explain." His voice cracked from crying and screaming. I am such a dick.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, Harry. I didn't mean what I said. I'm such a dick. And I hate myself. It's just... That fight that we had a few days ago, I thought we were friends. And you said some really mean things to me and I though you were against me because I was a death eater. And I don't want to be. I don't want to be one of them. I was forced into it." I was kneeling on the floor beside the couch where Harry lay. As I spoke, I rolled up my sleeve and began unconsciously tracing the Dark Mark.

"I don't like this Mark. I hate it and I hate him. I thought that I could trust you. I just wanted a friend. Not a follower. A friend, for once in my life. I hate being a Malfoy and having to do this and do that." I placed my hand on Harry's face, moving the hair out of his eyes. His stupidly perfect green eyes.

"And that meeting on the astronomy tower, it's like you didn't even know what you did wrong. And I was seething. I hated you because I couldn't get you out of my head. You and your stupidly perfect green eyes. I tried. I tried so hard to make you miserable to make these feelings go away. But they just won't.

But please. Please forgive me for saying you had no family. I had no right to speak like that and you should hate me forever. But please don't." I rubbed my hands up and down my weary face

To say I was tired was an understatement. I've been having a terrible week of sleep. All because of the boy with the stupidly perfect green eyes.

I looked at the raven haired boy lying in front of me. "I'm sorry Draco. Sorry for everything, and it forgive you." With those words, I stood up so that I could lift his torso off the couch. I sat down and placed him against me so he was leaning. I began to play with his hair as he said "Please sing me something. I haven't been sleeping well at all." Same Harry, same.

As I scouted my brain for a song, I relaxed. No one had heard me sing before but I sometimes sing to myself in the shower.

As I shed my skin

I leave you behind

As I shed my skin

I go on to a better life

Indecision fills my head

All the things I left unsaid

My heart is letting go

My pain you'll never know

If you love something set it free

What I love you took from me

Try to look, but you can't see

Try to put the past behind me

Singing slow and gentle, I lulled him to sleep. After I stopped, I thought he was asleep, so I whispered "goodnight Harry." But as I did so, he smiled gently. "You have a beautiful voice."


It was about 6 in the morning. I'de been awake for the past hour contemplating stuff. Finally, I got up, careful not to wake Harry as I placed his head back on the couch. Finding a pen and some paper, I scribbled a note.

Dear Harry

Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up

I had some stuff to tend to but I wanted to ask you something.

Tonight at 7, can you meet me at the Black Lake.

There is something I want to talk to you about.

Dress casual.



Ok, this is a short chapter but don't mind that because its week 8 of the term and I'm rushing to get all my goddamned assignments in. I have holidays in 3 weeks, and when I get on holidays, I'll update everyday or every 2 days. But until then, it's two or three updates a week. Or maybe Saturdays and Wednesdays. ANYWAY, read this and tell your friends. Tell your friends who are Drarry shippers and tell your friends who aren't Drarry shippers. SHOVE IT DOWN THEIR THROATS!!

Don't be a ghostie!

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