Chapter 30

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Harry's POV:

"Draco?" I called out for Draco. I have no idea where he went. He just ran off. I rounded another corridor and finally saw him. He was slumped against the wall with his knees hunched. Oh Draco. I quickly ran to him and crouched beside him. I touched his face and he looked up at me with sad, dazed eyes.

"Draco, what happened? You just ran out back there." I was calm for Draco's sake, although, inside I was not calm. Something was wrong with Draco and I didn't know what. He fell back into my arms and thoughtfully looked at me. "I can't do this." I don't know what he's on about.

"Do what, Draco? What can't you do?" I'm trying to comprehend Draco's words. Though they were making no sense. He was shutting himself down and isolating himself. Come on baby, talk to me.

"I- I can't." Draco stuttered roughly and motioned his hands around him. I'm still a bit confused but I think I'm beginning to understand. "Oh Dray. Whats happened to you, baby?" My poor Draco.

I pulled him into my chest as I sat on the stone floor. He burst into tears and began scratching his arm. Gently, I pulled his arm toward me and carefully lifted the sleep of his robes. I touch the horrid mark on his arm and it was burning. The white marks that littered it had been adorned with new red ones. Long scratches running the length. He must have scratched it.

I pulled his arm to my mouth and my lips came in contact with the burning skin. Lovingly, I kissed every inch of it. Draco curled into my chest and I tucked him up before standing back up. Slowly, I walked to the Gryffindor tower and laid Draco to rest in my bed.

"Draco, you stay here. I'll go to classes and get notes for you. If Professor Snape comes and gets me for training, then I'll nip up here to get you first. Please don't leave the common room without somebody else." I kissed his forehead as he nodded and rolled over. I strode to the door and turned around. "Love you."

"Love you." Draco's croaky voice came muffled through my pillow. I smiled lopsidedly before going to Transfiguration.


"Hermione. Hermione!" I raced after Hermione as she left the classroom. "Harry?" She turned her head to me as she kept walking. "I don't know what to do with Draco. Something's wrong with him." I nearly dropped a book out of my arms. "Well, where is he?" I shuffled my books around in my arms before answering.

"He's in my bed, resting." She furrowed her brow and a frown settled on her face as she moved. "Why is he resting?" I refrained from rolling my eyes lightly. "Because, when he ran out during breakfast, I found him and he had a breakdown." Hermione looked off into the distance and was quiet for a moment before she spoke up.

"You left him alone in your dorm without supervision. What if something happens to him? Good point. "I thought of that, but I didn't think anyone was smart enough to look in the Gryffindor tower for him." She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Honestly Harry, Draco has to be under your watch at all times. Someone from outside might find him. Go get him and don't leave him alone again." Hermione's voice became terse and I hung my shoulders low.

"Alright, but I don't think he can go to class." I just wanted to get back to Draco and hold him in my arms. "Well, skip the rest of classes. You have the same classes as me, I'll just take notes for you and Draco and hand you any homework." I nodded and gave Hermione a brief one shouldered hug. "Thanks Mione." I raced off down the hall toward the Gryffindor tower.

"Hey, Harry! Where are you going? The next class starts in two minutes. You'll be late." I turned around met Ron. "I'm actually on my way to check on Draco. I'm skipping the rest of classes to be with him." A strange look crossed Ron's face and he grunted. "Why are you skipping the rest of classes though. Why can't you take him to class?" I sighed, and backed up a little closer to Ron.

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