Chapter 29

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Draco's POV:

"Draco! Draco! Dray, wake up!" A form pounced on my and I groaned, before opening my eyes and coming face to face with Harry's splendid green ones. He was sitting on my chest, practically shoving his face into mine.

"What Harry? What could possibly be so important that you have to wake me up this early?" It came out snarkier than I intended, but I had already developed a case of the early morning grumps. He looked a bit rejected and the excitement died in his eyes.

"My memories came back... I just thought you would want to know." Harry whispered and I immediately sat up, which caused Harry to topple backwards since he was on my chest. "Harry! I'm so sorry. Your memories are of the utmost importance to me." I meant it. I really did.

Harry's eyes lit up again and it made me happy. "I knew you would be happy." He pointed out as he sat back up and latched onto my chest. "Of course I would. But are you sure you remember everything? Like, absolutely everything." Harry still had a sleepy air about him, though his positive attitude showed through.

He was absolutely delightful to be around. I took the time to look Harry over. He was still in his boxers, a sign that he'd just woken up. Decked with messy bed hair too. "Draco?" What? "Huh." Hm, I must have spaced out for a minute. "I said yes. I even tested myself last night."

Last night. What does that mean? "They came back last night. Jolted me awake from my almost sleep." Right. "And you tested yourself. And you remember everything?" Harry's nodded and I clocked my head. "I believe you." He smiled sneakily and then pounced on me, throwing me back against the bed.

"I remember everything. From our first kiss, to sex and to right before I hit my head." Harry trailed a finger down my bare chest and I shivered greatly. Oh my! This could get exciting. I smirked inwardly. "Do you remember that you were screaming out my name during sex? To the countless time I made love to you?" I added. It was my turn to play this game.

"Yes. Yes I do." Harry's voice was husky and I quivered lightly. It was likely that that breakfast would be soon. I wonder if Harry starts his training today. Oh, I'm happy to go along with him and watch. It means that I don't have to go to class. My schedule has been altered to an exact copy of Harry's and I have to be under his watch at all times. This should be fun.

Harry was laying on hey chest again, snuggling further into the warmth where the sunlight basked on my chest. He was so winsome in all his eternal glory and beauty. I was lucky to have Harry. I was lucky that he was mine, and mine alone. I got the sudden feeling like I was being watched and the fine hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. My head swivelled to the side and I noticed three glares from three different people. I had to do a double take.

Gulping, I whispered into Harry's ear. "Harry, why are there three of your dorm mates glaring at me?" Harry lifted his head up and looked around before waving a head and laying his head back down. "Just ignore them, they can't hurt you." He stated calmly and I scoffed. "Hurt me? Like bloody hell they even could. What I mean is, they're staring at me and its unnervingly creepy. Please make them stop." I begged and Harry sighed deeply.

He got up off my chest and walked to each if their beds before pointing outside. Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and Neville Longbottom. Alright, this is more than slightly awkward. The three of them grumbled before following Harry outside. I sat up and began scrunching the blankets in my hands, fretting. "Oi, calm down, would ya? They aren't gonna hurt him. He's just 'splaining to them what he 'splained to me and Hermione last night. And that they can't tell anyone." Weasley's words assured me slightly.

Harry had to have been gone at least 10 minutes before he came back in. I was sitting on the bed, and it hadn't been anything less thank weird with Weasley over in the next bed. "Alright Dray, all is taken care of. Have a good sleep?" How thoughtful. "Yes, I had a good sleep. And thank you, for talking to them." I nodded to the three roommates who were now silent and getting ready for breakfast.

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