Chapter 72

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Draco's POV:

It's quite strange being in the muggle world. It indeed scared me.

I clung onto Harry's hand tighter and tried to stay away from any muggle that walked too close. "Dray, they're just people like you and me. There isn't really much difference, except for the magical properties in us." Harry's voice was a soothing edge to my nerves.

"No. I don't believe you. My father always said otherwise about Muggles. And that witches and wizards shouldn't ever associate with muggles if they knew what was good for them." I looked around at the Muggles wandering the street and clutched my wand tightly in my pocket.

"So you're going to believe the word of your father, who was a follower of Voldermort, over mine?" Harry asked and I struggled to look him in the eye.

Lucius was my father. And aside from what he did, he tried his best to raise me. I try not to think about it, but when he hurt me, I think I deserved it for being disobedient. And that I should've tried harder to please my father rather than defy his wishes.

"Well..." I began but stopped short when a memory looked in my mind.


"Draco, you have good grades for your first term as a witch. And in Slytherin too, might I add. The family house. Well done son, you have made me proud." Father's voice was calm and calculating, speaking in even tones as I sat in his office.

"Thank you, father." I fidgeted with the armrest of the chair I was sitting in, waiting for the call to leave. I was uncomfortable in my fathers presence like this, when he was all high and mighty in business, to say the least.

"Now tell me son, have you ruled over the Slytherin house yet? And what minions might you have made?" I pondered for a few seconds as father clasped his hands together on his is desk, looking the image of a perfect business man.

"Well, yes father, I have. From day one I let them know whose boss. Only a few minor problems but I took,care of them." In the presence of my father, I had learned to speak with proper sentences, speaking like an adult. I suppose it was so father felt like he was having a conversation with an older person.

"I have met Goyle and Crabbe who are my two main. They do what I say. And then there is this girl. Pansy Parkinson, from when we were younger. Though I haven't seen her for a few years. And Blaise Zabini." I counted off in my head.

I hadn't seen Pansy in a few years and I nearly spilled that I though she looked like a pug with her pertrude nose and wide set chin.

"Ah, good, my son. Crabbe and Goyle. Yes, their fathers are good associates of mine. As for Pansy, well, I expect that you will marry her when you get older. Or perhaps the young Astoria Greengrass." I nearly chocked at fathers words, but made no comment, as I had learned to do so.

No way in the world would I marry Pansy Parkinson. Or even Astoria Greengrass. No way! The thought alone made me want to gag. I don't like girls.

I didn't hear the rest of fathers words while I was thinking, but came to when he called my name.

"Draco! Answer me boy. Are you off dreaming again? What have I told you about that?" Fathers hand slammed against the desk and I let out a small shriek at the loud noise.

"N- no father, I wasn't." My voice shook and my fingers trembled, trying to get a steady grip on the armchair.

"Good. Now, as I was saying, was there anyone else that you met?"

"Well, I met a few muggle borns and half bloods-" I was stopped short by father screaming.

"MUDBLOODS? Is that what they're doing now? Letting those potent freaks in? Well, I must say, I'll be having a word with someone." Father roared and was out of his seat and in front of me in a flash.

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