Chapter 14

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Draco's POV:

I was in my bed, Harry was in the kitchen fixing some breakfast, I think. What confused me was Harry's dream state thing he had last night. He said it seemed so real. And that's what scared me. Because usually, when Harry had a dream involving Voldermort, it happened somewhere down the track.

I flopped myself over into the middle of the bead and lay on my stomach. Stretching my body out, I heard a few pops and cracks. I curled my hands up and tucked them under my chin, crossing my ankles over another.

I could hear Harry making his way to the bedroom, feet padding on the wooden floor gently. Intently, I listened to his quiet footsteps. The door quietly squeaked open from the spot it was resting in, not fully closed.

His footsteps stopped at the edge of the bed, as if hesitating, before the end of the bed dipped down slightly.

Harry was now sitting at my side, fiddling with my hair as he talked about random things. I loved it when he babbled. It was so cute.

His hands had made their way from my hair to my back, caressing and pressing every crevice and muscle, massaging out every knot with delicate hands, slightly rough from years of quidditch and flying.

Harry's hands worked in and out if the curves, occasionally brushing along the ridges of my spine and pressing them. Often, I would emit a small groan from the intense pleasure I was receiving of this.


As I shed my skin

I leave you behind

As I shed my skin

I go on to a better life

Indecision fills my head

All the things I left unsaid

My heart is letting go

My pain you'll never know

If you love something set it free

What I love you took from me

Try to look, but you can't see

Try to put the past behind me

I had committed to memory the small bit of song that I had sung to Harry one night weeks and weeks ago. It was looping around in my head on repeat.

I was in the kitchen humming the tune of it while sipping at my drink. Harry was on the other side of the room reading the newspaper. He looked up at me and smirked once he heard the song I was humming.

The rest of the day and well into the night was spent cuddling up on the couch with Harry. We talked about anything and everything.


Harry's POV:

I woke up late the next morning with a banging pain in my head, which was only made worse by the light pouring in through the window. I winced as I sat up.

"Hey." Draco croaked beside me, slinging an arm around my waist as he did so.

I leaned over into his chest. "Hey, have a good sleep?" I'd woken up in the middle of the night and noticed several times that his face was scrunched up or twisted, he also kept moving a lot.

He nodded, kissing me on the cheek before getting up to go to the bathroom. I sat in bed, hands laced together under my head as he came back out several minutes later, looking more relaxed. I think he brushed his teeth.

I yawned, stretched and got out of bed, sauntering over to Draco for a kiss. As I reached him, his long sleek arms wrapped around my waist, his fingers resting between the ridges of my spine.

He was only a bit taller than me, but I still had to reach up a tad just for a kiss. As I did so, he turned his head to the side, and I ended up kissing his cheek.

"Oi, what was that for?" I asked incredulously. "You have morning breath and I just brushed my teeth. I ain't kissing you until you done the same." He stated as I narrowed my eyes at him as I glanced up, craning my neck a bit.

Planning to tease him just a slight but, I brought my lips to his jaw line. I pressed small kisses that trailed around his chin and down his throat. He was definitely getting impatient as I grew more and more tempted to tease him.

I brought my lips up to Draco's own, but I didn't kiss him. Instead, my lips hovered ghostly over his as I whispered "Fine by me. You will just have to wait for tomorrow to get another kiss." With that, I pulled away and ran into the bathroom, turning around to peek at him before I shut the door. He was standing there frozen, mouth open and eyes wide. I snickered mentally.

I had taken a whizz in the toilet and now I was brushing my teeth. The minty toothpaste set into my mouth as I put my toothbrush down and finished up in the bathroom.

I opened the door of the bathroom and walked out. I was still wearing boxers and hadn't yet changed. They hung loosely off my hips, I guess.

And just as I had reached the closet I was stopped. Draco grabbed my wrist and brought me to his chest. "You little tease." I snuck a look at his eyes and they were glinting. A shining mercury so bright, it was beautiful. They were beautiful. He was beautiful.

"Sorry." I whispered and connected his lips to mine. The sheer brilliance of every time we kissed or touched made me feel as if there wasn't a single problem that I was worried about. It's like Draco took away all my problems. Having him in my life this close is a blessing. He has helped me through many things, we had ups and downs, but he is my rock. And honestly, I don't know what I'd do without him.

I'd probably end up sitting in my dorm starving myself as I cried. I shivered a little at that. I was jolted out of my thoughts by Draco, he had just given my bum a squeezed. He chuckled as broke away from the kiss.

Sneaky bastard.


14 chapters. Progress! Sorry if it's boring. But I'm tired, hungry and stressed. Lots of exams this week though. You should all feel special as I force myself to write when I'd rather sleep.

Also, I would really love it of this story got some more reads. Because it is sitting on three of of one hundred. I would really appreciate some more comments and please share the story with everyone. I would like to get the reads up.

As I always say;

Don't be a ghostie!

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